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Hi everyone!

I'm just wondering, is there a way to prevent players from using Ender Pearls to teleport inside forcefields on Tekkit SMP? This bug/feature makes them pretty much useless, especially on endgame servers where all you have to do to get Ender Pearls is to click an icon on the Transmutation Tablet =/

Thanks in advance!


I'm not shure I'm understanding you- are they underneath the forcefield? Are they at the side of it? What are they doing?

They are doing this:

The video shows the trick with a spherical forcefield, but it works with square ones as well. Basically, if you're wearing Red Matter/Quantum armor you are immune to most types of damage (and the Body Stone heals you), so you can throw a bunch of Ender Pearls at any solid surface, get teleported into it, and get out on the other side. And yes, it works from the sides, from above/below etc. Position doesn't matter, and neither does the wall's thickness.


Putting another forcefield directly behind the first should stump most Forcefield exploits, such as teleportation via ender pearls or similar.


Well, it seems like a thicker FF might do the trick. Honestly though, there's so many ways to get thru forcefields-you can use the cover-yourself-in-gravel-and-relog trick, you could place a teleporter under it and use that, so it seems like thisis just another way to do this.


Oh hai there Vex.

Well, it seems like a thicker FF might do the trick. Honestly though, there's so many ways to get thru forcefields-you can use the cover-yourself-in-gravel-and-relog trick, you could place a teleporter under it and use that, so it seems like thisis just another way to do this.

teleporter should also be stopped by 2-thick force fields. Gravel is solved by building your base up at sky limit. Which I routinely do anyway, since it allows me to use solar panels without people being able to place blocks to interrupt the path of sunlight and cut off my power.


Oh hai there Vex.

teleporter should also be stopped by 2-thick force fields. Gravel is solved by building your base up at sky limit. Which I routinely do anyway, since it allows me to use solar panels without people being able to place blocks to interrupt the path of sunlight and cut off my power.

Mmm, Don't think that would stop the gravel trick- you could still build under it, no? But seeing as you need a 3-block tall airspace, you could probably solve that by putting a single layer, than a two-block-wide gap, then the two block thick forcefield.

And that still wouldn't stop someone from using a deployer to place the blocks. Sigh.

See you next post gav!


Mmm, Don't think that would stop the gravel trick- you could still build under it, no? But seeing as you need a 3-block tall airspace, you could probably solve that by putting a single layer, than a two-block-wide gap, then the two block thick forcefield.

And that still wouldn't stop someone from using a deployer to place the blocks. Sigh.

See you next post gav!

Oh you need 3 airspace? That's trivial then. Just don't leave any 3 tall airspaces in your force field. herp derp.

Deployers can't place blocks higher than force field cores can. The extra block of height limit only applies to players. The mods are all on the same footing (fields, turtles, deployers etc can go to 256). So yes it does stop a deployer from placing blocks there.

But not even relevant anyway since you can just have 2 high rooms and be done with it.

So basically, one area projector, surrounded by 6 deflector projectors in a 3-D "plus" shape, = concentric, 2 thick forcefield. Then just build layers of flooring every 3 blocks inside, so the halls and rooms are all 2 high only. Go ahead and build it at sky limit anyway for convenient solar power. And never leave =P Or use an ender chest + item detector lock or something very difficult to crack. Also make sure your flooring materials are block cutter-proof blocks (like machine blocks or copper ore), and use NOT gates and red alloy wire for powering fields, which can't be cut. Trust no one.


Actually I have found that since sky limit was increased to 256, people usually don't see you up there either. We recently had a base griefed (nuked against rules) on a server I play on. It was ripped apart very thoroughly and with prejudice, but the huge expensive airship up at y=230 or so above it full of gems and red matter and all such things was utterly untouched. They just don't look up, and their graphics either hide your base in distance fog, or (if they turn off fog) don't load it until they get too close to see without directly looking


Hmm, good point. There's also the point that IC2 crops grow better at higher alts, and you don't really need to hide solars to remain hidden- but what about minimap eh?

However, I suppose you could build your base out of microblocks, or cover your base in grass, but that leaves a shadow..


Hmm, good point. There's also the point that IC2 crops grow better at higher alts, and you don't really need to hide solars to remain hidden- but what about minimap eh?

Thats a good point. I dunno, I just don't experience people noticing anyway *shrug*. I suppose I don't really look at the minimap much when I'm roaming around. I mean, typically it doesnt give you much info when you're hunting, so you might just learn not to. Also, if your base is built mainly out of things that are not frames or frame motors, etc., then it doesn't show up much anyway (if it is, then it is bright pink...). Making your floors and walls simply be the force field itself wouldn't be a terrible idea, though I've never tried it. Or glass.

You could also build a base way up directly above another old abandoned base, or an NPC village, so that when they see something werid on the minimap theyre just like "oh its that NPC village" and so that shadows are masked.


Hmm, but don't forcefields have a red outline? Seems like that would be pretty obvious.

Okay, let's just nail this down. Build your base in the end.


So, in this thread, we've escalated from making a double forcefield, to putting a triple forcefield around every end portal, then building your base, inside the end, at the max height, completely out of microblocks, frames, and glass.

God I love tekkit.


Oh. My. God.

When I first asked the question I never expected to get so much cool info. Thanks everyone!

But as I already said, as long as you're wearing Red Matter or Quantum armour (and have a Body Gem activated), it doesn't matter how thick the forcefield is, the Ender Pearl trick still works. So apparently there is no real solution yet.

yes, in fact if you can build just 3 small impenetrable force fields at each stronghold teleport point, you can have the entire End to yourself...

The idea is awesome, but as far as I can see from the above replies there is no such thing as an impenetrable forcefield unless it's up in the sky. Which kinda brings us back to square one.


Somewhat ridiculous in actual practice, but as a thought experiment: could you potentially embed teleporters inside of a multiple thick force field? Such that as the person is ender-pearling their way through, they will get teleported back outside again?

More realistically, you could make a 1-thick field, for instance, with a 2 or 3 thick conventional wall inside that, with an extremely high voltage electric fence wire running through the conventional part, hidden from view. Such a fence can be built for a cost of fewer than 25 diamonds and can charge up a full shock in a few seconds and only needs about one LV solar. Each shock being lethal enough to insta-kill anybody in anything other than all 4 pieces of quantum armor. Including full gem, RM, diamond with protection X, 3 pieces of quantum, etc. If you can figure out how to work ccSensors, then you can have an up to 17 block radius force field and detect intruders, then instakill them right while they are in the walls.


Could stop the ender pearl technique for most intruders. It would be totally unexpected, and since they would lose ALL their stuff irretrievably inside a wall, it would be pretty damn intimidating / deterring.


The teleporter idea is nice in principle, but I doubt it' viable for the 128x128 square forcefield around my village =)

I'm going to test the hidden wire concept now, though. Unless I'm mistaken, you can also put wire on the forcefield itself, so in theory I could just have a 1 thick field camouflaged as anything solid, and the trap will still work as a charm. Off to the testing area! ^_^


Yes, the "HV-wire-on-the-inside" trap works great. So much for EE armours. Now to find a wayt to deal with Quantum and those goddamn Destruction Catalysts =)


The teleporter idea DOES work, too. Better than the HV wire in fact, since it gets rid of intruders regardless of their armour. It does have its drawbacks though. First of all, the destination teleport pad will be unprotected, and can be destroyed by the intruders after they get teleported to it, which will break the link and turn the rest of the pads off. Now, I DID find an amusing way of dealing with this, but it's not perfect either: I attached levers to both the origin and destination teleporters and left them on, creating an endless loop, so any intruders will be kicked from the server in a fraction of second for "Moving too fast (hacks?)". While deviously ironic in itself, the system does fave a fatal flaw: the power drain is absolutely tremendous, and the intruder will obviously try to log in again, get stuck in the loop again and get kicked again. A couple of re-logs, and a fully-loaded MFSU will be sucked dry, and the enemy will either destroy the destination pad or (which is worse) will end up on the origin pad, inside the forcefield. So this one's a no-go either.


Actually, I think that if you use one of the mffs mod's more smp useful technologies, you can create more than enough power to run the teleporter system - the nuclear reactor containment field, which allows you to run a completely full 6 chamber reactor with no danger.

As a side note, perhaps you could combine both ideas by implementing the "zapper" upgrade to your inner forcefield, although this could mean that they could die and return to destroy your second teleporter. Probably not a good idea.


Zappers are super weak and don't kill people with even trivial armor on, thus making them essentially useless/not worth the effort. If anything, maybe even worse than non-zappers, since red is more visible and you can't camouflage it.


Oh by the way, it would be fairly trivial for any competent modder to make a serverside only plugin to stop almost all of these glitches, and make forcefields much better (but not invincible) and more fun.

Bukkit has information already like whether an ender pearl was thrown, etc. If you simply listen for those events, and for teleportation events, you can make a plugin that cancels any teleportation events that were initiated by ender pearls, etc. Would probably be like 20-30 lines of code.

And you could make listeners for login events and intercept them to make sure that people actually spawn exactly where they were when they logged off, NOT in the nearest available airspace. So if you logged off in gravel, you log on in gravel.

In fact, I would be utterly shocked if the latter of those two programs does not already exist for bukkit available for download right now. And probably the first one too.


Zappers are super weak and don't kill people with even trivial armor on, thus making them essentially useless/not worth the effort. If anything, maybe even worse than non-zappers, since red is more visible and you can't camouflage it.

I think he meant your HV-cable trap, not the zapper upgrade.

Any idea where to look for the plugins? :)

  • 2 months later...

Ya, my friend and I just had our base nuked to oblivion by server admin and his friends. We would have put up a valiant fight with our six mfsu unit powered force field. But, alas, ender pearls. Any way, I would prefer not to have to rely on the troll admin to put up a plugin. So any way could someone sum up the feasible options of how to hold out your forcefield without bull shit bugs. Oh, I would also like to point out that you guy's seem to not have taken into account that you can make forcefields invisible? Anyways, if someone could do that that would be great.

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