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[3.1.2]Minecraftforce Tekkit Server[Hardcore PvP][24 slots][Factions,Towny (both)][No banned items]


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Tried playing, spawn killed by "Mikkelmo03"

On another note the server appears to be severely nuked in most places.

Spawn killing is agaist the rules, and means a permaban. Try to enter again, and if he does, take screenshot.

Server map is nuked unless you go far away from spawn point. We are going to reset map on next tekkit update, until that, just wait. I know it's werid, but you can generate new land if you walk a bit :D

Take screenshots, and I will ban.

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hello i have been playing on this server for a while now i am on it almost all the time minus errands and school that i do late at night and i was hoping i might be able to become a op/admin/mod which ever it is i have qualifications for being a op/admin/mod on about 7+ servers i have low tolerance for spammers if i were to be put in a position of authority i will be sure to not pervert my power i will use it wisely and with much diligence thank you for reading this inquiry if you find me not fit please tell me what qualifications i did not fit. sincerely :ign thelavaknightdm2 tp.net:dm2

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Would it be possible for a proper greif proof spawn building to be built? Current spawn has lava on or something most the time, killing new players. My friends want to play but keep getting killed by lava before they can tpa to me :(

A proper spawn-proof spawn is posible, there's a plugin to do that, tekkitrestrict. In fact, the safezones option (when you are near spawn all your EE tools discharge) is very laggy, that's why I prefer replacing spawn all the time.

Low tolerance for spammers? like 3/4 of the server spams, rages, or griefs. You need *patience* and you can't permaban any spammer/rager, otherwise the server will be empty right now. Get some patience, be nice, and don't ask for op/mod/admin status becouse that's annoying for owners. If you're always on the server, if you spend time on it and if you're nice with everyone, making great buildings and machines, you will be asked to join staff. All the actual server staff diden't ask for it, they just got it. Like a random price. It's better that way, becouse most users want op/mod status just to destroy, abuse, and kill. Most of that users asks for the rank. If you're nice, friendly, and you have moderating skills, you will be choosen... after some time on the server!

Take a chair, help other players, and don't rage/spam. Don't act as a backseat moderator. And then, maybe you will be choosen. There are a ton of good and nice players out there, so choosing only one to join staff is a hard job. Pagaiba always chooses nice moderators, all his moderators were fantastic for server. The server is a bit out of control due to the lack of staff. Most staff is online on same timezone, that makes night (irl) like a jungle, with everyone ragging and spamming eachother.

Also, I need someone to donate for vip/supporter soon. We need some money to pay server next month, and I know that most people can't donate... If you have some money, you really like the server, please consider donating some money. If we don't get any money, the server may close.

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A proper spawn-proof spawn is posible, there's a plugin to do that, tekkitrestrict. In fact, the safezones option (when you are near spawn all your EE tools discharge) is very laggy, that's why I prefer replacing spawn all the time.

Low tolerance for spammers? like 3/4 of the server spams, rages, or griefs. You need *patience* and you can't permaban any spammer/rager, otherwise the server will be empty right now. Get some patience, be nice, and don't ask for op/mod/admin status becouse that's annoying for owners. If you're always on the server, if you spend time on it and if you're nice with everyone, making great buildings and machines, you will be asked to join staff. All the actual server staff diden't ask for it, they just got it. Like a random price. It's better that way, becouse most users want op/mod status just to destroy, abuse, and kill. Most of that users asks for the rank. If you're nice, friendly, and you have moderating skills, you will be choosen... after some time on the server!

Take a chair, help other players, and don't rage/spam. Don't act as a backseat moderator. And then, maybe you will be choosen. There are a ton of good and nice players out there, so choosing only one to join staff is a hard job. Pagaiba always chooses nice moderators, all his moderators were fantastic for server. The server is a bit out of control due to the lack of staff. Most staff is online on same timezone, that makes night (irl) like a jungle, with everyone ragging and spamming eachother.

Also, I need someone to donate for vip/supporter soon. We need some money to pay server next month, and I know that most people can't donate... If you have some money, you really like the server, please consider donating some money. If we don't get any money, the server may close.

3 things. 1: thankyou for replying 2: its kinda hard to build anything when it is constantly being nuked or raided 3: linking to number 2 (hehe) i believe you should look at getting a multi world bukkit plugin so that way for people (like myself and others) can go and build in a SURVIVAL area that wont be nuked to shit or raided have it where the survival world has pvp off and you can lock chests and nukes are disabled nukes ruined the entire world for example my one home i worked on for 3 days on a island was raided and nuked to hell i highly recomend a multi world plugin for this server as with my experience in other servers having different worlds for different events (pvp griefing looting raids survival creative) is most beneficial to everyone.

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No multi world plugins. Sorry. Trans tablets and IC2 batters may bug with multiworld. So nope. I'll try to get the safezones working...

If you have got any better idea, im open to requests :D But multiworld are buggy on tekkit. Tekkit just hates mutliworld.

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Potato, an idea;


To change the Emc of Bones, bucket of milk and Blaze Rod, so that bone is worth the same as 5 bonemeal, bucket of milk is worth only 5emc more than bucket, and blaze rod the same as what you get if you macerate blazerod (i forget how manny as i dont use that).

This is cause i think of thouse as kinda dupish emc

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