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What's going to be in the next update?


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I believe this is very much a 'case by case' sort of thing. Will people continue to give them permission, will people with interesting mods offer it, will they find a mod that's appealing and ask... et cetera.

I think they announce additions and removals in some cases, though, such as they did with Forestry (although that was a special case...), but beyond that, I imagine it's all up in the air.

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I'm hoping that they finally add SparkleFartz mod.

On a serious note, portal gun mod would be a really cool addition, along with the GraviSuit addon for IC2.

I'd also like these mods to be added to tekkit, since they are already in technic (although tekkit and technic may become the same thing with 1.3 unifying SSP and SMP):

Mystcraft (already mutiplayer)

Logistics Pipes (will be multiplayer)

Thaumcraft (will be multiplayer)

It would also be nice if there was a blutricity (Red Power 2) to EU (Industrial Craft 2 ) power converter (don't know if one already exsist or not).

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The pack will contain mods that the devs like and work well together, same as ever. They do not take requests or demands in any way other than suggestions. Which they will only act upon if they themselves like the mod so it does not matter how often someone suggests a mod, if they do not like it they will not add it.

Currently we have no info on if and when they will update or what will be in the updates. Also I would think it would be historically correct to say that they never responded to any questions like yours and probably will never do so. As they rarely if ever provide any info about future versions beyond the rare big ticket item like forestry.

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The tekkit devs don't just decide what mods to put in the pack.

They look at all the bukkit ported mods and pick the best ones.

Since no one can possibly know what mods will update and be ported until they are, there is no way of knowing what will be in the pack at least until the mods are updated.

(disclamer: what I said about how the devs pick mods is my opinion and not necessarily fact. But whether or not its true isn't necessary for my argument. They can't have a mod that isn't updated and ported)

I'm hoping that they finally add SparkleFartz mod.

On a serious note, portal gun mod would be a really cool addition, along with the GraviSuit addon for IC2.

I don't see how portal gun isn't extremely op. Aside from all the other things the mod adds, the ability to create portals from anywhere to anywhere at no cost is surely to powerful.

I agree about GraviSuit though.

I'd also like these mods to be added to tekkit, since they are already in technic (although tekkit and technic may become the same thing with 1.3 unifying SSP and SMP):

Mystcraft (already mutiplayer)

Logistics Pipes (will be multiplayer)

Thaumcraft (will be multiplayer)

Personally i just don't see how Mystcraft can function on a public server, too many opportunities for crippling lag and crashes. Minecraft is just not built to have dozens of different worlds.

Logistics Pipes. Totally agree. This is very well designed mod that i look forward to using. I just hope it doesn't scare people away form tube systems.

Thaumcraft. Agree. But its going to be interesting dealing with taint in a multiplayer environment.

It would also be nice if there was a blutricity (Red Power 2) to EU (Industrial Craft 2 ) power converter (don't know if one already exsist or not).

The reason there isn't one is that Eloraam doesn't like people messing with her code.

But why do you want such a thing? Its plenty easy get EU's and harder to get blutricity.

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(I had a long, well thought out post written, but my aunt wanted to get a picture of me with my grandma and my second cousin arvin [not a spelling error, his name is arvin, poor kid] and I put my phone in my pocket, and when I pulled it out, most of my post had been deleted [stupid goddamn touch screen]. So instead of rewriting my post [which I'm not sure I could do anyways, as I've forgotten most of it] I decided to post why there is no long thought out post.)

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ah, smartphones

Tell me about it.

"iPhone! Why you be so stupid! I don't want to delete that! No! I meant to spell it that way! Stop reloadig page when there is no internet connection! NO! Don't reload now! You just reloaded the page and deleted my post! Go away Siri! I don't want you right now!"

And that is what I yell at my phone in some of my less sane moments. When I'm sane (which is most of the time) I just utter a mental Fuck you iPhone.

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Tell me about it.

"iPhone! Why you be so stupid! I don't want to delete that! No! I meant to spell it that way! Stop reloadig page when there is no internet connection! NO! Don't reload now! You just reloaded the page and deleted my post! Go away Siri! I don't want you right now!"

And that is what I yell at my phone in some of my less sane moments. When I'm sane (which is most of the time) I just utter a mental Fuck you iPhone.

Fuck you glass pane that I can interface with to get endless entertainment, information, and cool stuff from by simply touching you a few times.

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Fuck you glass pane that I can interface with to get endless entertainment, information, and cool stuff from by simply touching you a few times.

Yeah, I know, first world problems. But it is really annoying to have seceral minutes if typing disapear in half a second because a smartphone refuses to work properly. I love my iPhone, but i sometimes wish it wasn't so prone to deleting my posts before I have a chance to post them.

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