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Quarry stuck?


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I've got a quarry that's dug to bedrock numerous times before. It's powered by a set of solar arrays and an MFE, and I've just relocated the lot to dig again. The quarry did about 10 layers and quit, so I moved it and tried again. Same problem.

Does anyone know why this happens? The quarry has been successful before, and has shown a bit of success in its current location, but after a few layers it quits.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

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Nope, the MFE is permanently at 100%. I should also point out that there are two people messing around with this at the same time, I don't know if that could affect it. We also discovered that by removing the Redstone torches that are powering the pipe, and putting them back again,we get another 5 minutes work out of it before it quit again.

I was thinking it'd be a Redstone signal that's messing with things, but surely the quarry would stop working much sooner, and not dig a few more layers?

I don't know, this is driving me nuts.

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I take it your using a energy link to power the quarry? Last time I checked if you apply a red stone signal to it the energy link powers off. As for the quarry still moving that is due to the quarry having a internal buffer of power. So if your redstone torches are any where near the energy link move them away or as Jorcer suggested replace them with levers.

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