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[3.1.2][Pvp]Refined Tekkit Server[25 slots][economy][Essentials]


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Name Nathan

IGN vvv_N00DL3_vvv

Age 15

Minecraft experience. about 12 months now

Tekkit experience about 3 months

Time playing MC per day At least 1 hour a day on weekends 3 hours

Why do you want to join the server its boring on my own and i want a nice community of which this server looks nice

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IGN: Aerohunter27 (i know im so creative with my usernames)


Minecraft Experience: I know alot about minecraft. Been playing for about 3 years now

Tekkit Experience: I also know alot. Been playing for 2 years.

Time playing MC per day: I play about 3 hours a day and about 5 on the weekends

Why do you want to join the server?: I want to be part of a good smaller community where people actually care and aren't so just mean and wont help you like on the big servers. I also want to get away from the griefers hackers and exploiters who completely get rid of the meaning of tekkit.

Extra things about me: I am pretty good at redstone and I have had past admin and mod experience. Also I am pretty good at building and try to keep the landscape neat.

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ame: Bill

IGN: dreddybill

Age: 29

Minecraft Experience: 6 months

Tekkit Experience: 3 months

Time Playing MInecraft per day: 6 hours average

I'm looking for a new server to start using ee again, but without collectors/relays overwhelming my progression..

'If I build it, I will come'

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Name - Crazygamer

IGN - Crazygamer185

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - About 2-2 1/2 years

Tekkit experience - About a 6 month - year

Time playing MC per day - Depends on activites during the day i can usually devote several hours

Why do you want to join the server - Looking for a server that is up 24/7 and doesn't have EE items restricted, The power flower isn't that much of a big deal =D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Request to join:




Minecraft Experience: over 2 years

Tekkit experience:Over a year

Time Spent on Minecraft: Alot lol id have to say 2-3 hours a day

Reason for wanting to join:I've been looking for a small server to play on with no restrictions im not a griefer there is nothing worse then people destroying the creations that youve worked hard on i try to be respectful as i can.

Thankyou for taking the time to Consider my application.

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  • 1 year later...

Name: Donovan

IGN: Ganymedee

Age: 14

Minecraft-Exp: since 1.3.2

Tekkit-Exp: Alot(not sure about time period)

Time Playing MC per Day: 1-4 hours-ish

Why do you want to join the server ? : Looking for a nice quiet tekkit classic community, to make friends and build.

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