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Trying to play Tekkit from school?


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So, I'm attempting to play Tekkit from school, but I've had no luck in bypassing the web filter yet. They actually block minecraft.net, and all my attempts to run Tekkit with a proxy have failed, I get the "could not connect to minecraft.net" message. I want to play on SMP, any tips?

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Pay attention in school and don't game? If they block minecraft.net you could try using offline mode but you will have needed to download the packs and login online at least once for that to work. Plus all of your EE shit will reset (Trans. table any stored energy or EMC)

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Knowing school computers (at least when I was at school) they were pretty crap systems - you may be expending a lot of effort for nothing.

Is the web filter blocking all external websites or just a few (like minecraft.net)?

Just a few, like facebook etc. As for the school computer, I own the netbook and play Tekkit at home with hardly any trouble, it's just that I'm trying to work out a way to bypass the web filter.

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