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This is what i know at the moment, jmorris92 is out of power due to Hurricane Sandy and COD4Hoogie is doing something with his family for the week so no one can get on the box to fix the servers. Sorry guys just gotta be a little patient and wait for the servers to be fixed. -Admin KyleComer113


This is what i know at the moment, jmorris92 is out of power due to Hurricane Sandy and COD4Hoogie is doing something with his family for the week so no one can get on the box to fix the servers. Sorry guys just gotta be a little patient and wait for the servers to be fixed. -Admin KyleComer113

Kyle- With Hoogie afk with the family and Morris cut off by hurricane Sandy. So yes, by the balls lol. :P

Panda, I am with you buddy. I really want to play.

Daeds, this is a different server then the other "plots" server Kyle was talking about. :P Thats why I was so confused by your pm. lol

Btw, before the server went down you may have seen that there was some major lag. Loosebeat(admin) discovered that someone left their factory on and it spewed 15,000 items everywhere. He fixed that and the server ran much better for a while. Now it is temp down until an owner can reboot.

Lets hangout and make shadow puppets on the ceiling until the power comes back on!


thats why with factories you use tubes not pipes as tubes don't overflow. gonna miss being on the server till it up again as good tekkit servers hard to find, guess i will have to play on skyrim till then or blacklight retribution :(


Message from EpC staff- Sorry about the servers being down guys, hang on a few more days for either cod to get back or morris to get power and the servers will be fixed and up in no time.


hey uhm I'm missing some mods so can someone please let me know how to get them

the mods are

IC2 v1.97, ComputerCraft 1.33, CCTurtle 1.33, Railcaft 5.3.3 if someone could help me that would be nice


Ok guys so The Extremeprocraft Vanilla Tekkit server is down right now due to map corruption we will reopen with a new map soon.

We also have a Tekkit Towny server with ip that is open.


Hello, my username is Bendaholic on the server and really liked it, but I crafted an iron shovel and was disconnected from the server and now cannot log back in. If anyone knows what can be done I'd appreciate the help. Thanks


Hi, Bendaholic. Sorry for the problem. I saw you sign in and thought this might be the cause. The only fix is to erase your inventory so you can sign back in. Talk to myself (DarkSoldier8-Admin, or Teacup- Moderator) and we will help replace the things you lost.

Just so everyone knows this Thread is actually for the old Tekkit claims server we had going. That map generated a fatal error and won't load anymore. We have a second Tekkit Server with Towny installed is in this thread http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-1-2-extremeprocraft-pve-50-slots-open-towny-lwc-mcmmo-ranks-ee-enabled-but-restricted.30272/

...this is the new ip

-Moderator iiAtomiikzZ

Edit: Also sorry to everyone about any errors with Iron Shovels. We are working on a solution. People are busy during the holidays.

Happy Holidays guys.

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