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Questions related to Tekkit (various issues)


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I thought it best to put my issues and problems in one thread so I can laugh at myself later :)

I have setup a server with a host, at the moment it is limited to white list, maybe we will open to public one day but for now it will be a huge learning experience, the Admin side does not cause any concern having run a mud server for the last 14 years, it is different but the responsibility and hassle that come with being an op/gm/immortal is old news.

So on to my questions and please understand I am very grateful for any advice offered.

Op/Admin char, I learned early on in muds if I am to have any kind of player based fun in Tekkit I will need to keep my player character separate to my Admin otherwise things just bleed over and you end up spawning/shortcuts things and loose out on the fun of just being a player.

Am I right in thinking I will have to buy a separate account to create an admin char If I do not want my player char having op rights?

When the last person logs of a tekkit server does it instigate some kind of sleep mode and is there any way to keep the server live as in all my machines and fun stuff going while no one is on the server ?

The following question is a weird one to do with my wifes character.

she went to minecraft and uploaded a female texture all well and good then I installed the Glimmar steampunk pack, my avatar changed to the steam punk hd version but hers stayed at the LR version she uploaded, how do we set her system so her char is the default in the steampunk pack ?

We tried just setting her back to the default version on the website but that just meant she now looks like that in game not the default HD versions from the pack.

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Can't help you with the texture pack issue. However:

Am I right in thinking I will have to buy a separate account to create an admin char If I do not want my player char having op rights?

Yes, that would require an additional account. However, you can use just about all commands from the server console. For example, if somebody lost an item due to what was clearly a bug, you can use the "/give" command from the server console to give the player a new item. You can even talk from the server console using the "/say" command, which will print a chatline ingame prefixed with [server] (and usually colored in bright purple for emphasis).

To use a command from the server console, omit the leading slash. For example, "/give" ingame becomes just "give" on the console, "/say" becomes "say", "/tp" becomes "tp" and so on.

You can use the command "/de-op playername" to remove all admin rights from your character, and from then on use the server console only. Should you at any point need an actual character with admin rights, typing "op playername" on the console (again, no leading slash) will restore ultimate power to you ingame.

When the last person logs of a tekkit server does it instigate some kind of sleep mode and is there any way to keep the server live as in all my machines and fun stuff going while no one is on the server ?

Generally, areas with no players near them are unloaded from memory. "Near" is defined by the view-distance setting in the server.properties files. For example, setting view-distance=9, which is the default, causes a square area equal to the chunk the player is standing on plus 9 more chunks in each direction to remain loaded. As a chunk is 16x16 blocks, this is equal to a 19x19 chunk area spanning 304x304 blocks.

Once the player moves, new chunks are loaded in front of him and out of range chunks behind him are unloaded. No machinery continues to function in an unloaded chunk. That means, if nobody is online, no chunks are loaded and nothing is going on in the world.

(...Technically. In practical application, some areas around the world spawn 0,0 might always remain loaded, and there seems to be an odd bug where logging off sometimes doesn't unload chunks. You can read more here.)

If you want an area to remain loaded while nobody is near, you need to build and plop down a chunk loader block. Ingame, they are named Teleport Tether, World Anchor and Dimensional Anchor. They are from different mods and differ somewhat in costs and in the area they keep loaded.

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Just grab the entire Tekkit_Server_3.1.2 directory (the one launch.bat resides in). That will ensure it backups everything, including config files you may have adjusted.

Now, if you want your client files backupped as well, you'll find those at: %appdata%/.techniclauncher

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Not very helpful, the thing is a lot of the wiki tells you to use a redstone signal to turn off things for example I have a mass fabricator and I need to turn it off but the wiki just states "use a redstone signal to turn off", does this mean hit it with a piece of redstone/redstone torch or some kind of wire, just base info would be nice.

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well oke then:

Redstone torch, lever, pressure plate and buttom all emit a redstone signal. this can be transmitted by redstone itself. So for example you're mass fabricator can be turn on and off by 1 lever and 1 redstone. Simple place it like this :


M = mass fabricator

R = redstone

L = lever

just switch the lever for a on/off signal.

buttons only emit a redstone signal for a few seconds

pressure plate emit a redstone signal when someone stands on them

torch will keep emitting a redstone signal


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If something wants a constant redstone signal to deactivate it, use stick switch or redstone torch. Or if you want to deactivate something that needs redstone to operate, use a stick switch to turn it on when you want to.

I have had unattended fuel combustion engines blow up when I thought they had sufficient water cooling.

As far as OP, just avoid creative mode or giving yourself free stuff. Someone changed my mode to creative on one server (and gave me access to /mode), but since tekkit is still 1.2.5 I could not get at my current inventory for panels for a frame door, so I changed myself back to survival. If you have EE you can do most anything you could in creative, and more eventually. Although, I did have to place some interdiction torches because creepers were bothering me when I was trying to build a demo of a frame door for someone else trying to figure it out.

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When the last person logs of a tekkit server does it instigate some kind of sleep mode and is there any way to keep the server live as in all my machines and fun stuff going while no one is on the server ?

AFAIK, the only area that is kept loaded when nobody is online is a one render distance radius around the spawn point of the nether, the end, and the overworld (possibly 0,0 not the spawn, but usually they overlap almost exactly). Approximateyl 640 chunks in each of those 3 areas by default.

There is a thread active on the forum elsewhere about a guy who experiences chunks staying loaded when nobody was online in other ways, but we never figured out how.

If you want an area to remain loaded while nobody is near, you need to build and plop down a chunk loader block. Ingame, they are named Teleport Tether, World Anchor and Dimensional Anchor. They are from different mods and differ somewhat in costs and in the area they keep loaded.

I do know for sure, however, that these blocks do NOT keep chunks loaded, at least not reliably, when nobody is online. In fact, they don't even usually (or ever) work even if somebody IS online but is in a different world than the anchor.

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Well that explains a lot, now is it possible for me to change the spawn point for new players, I want to setup a small learning area for friends away from the main areas of nuclear testing and weirdness.

This game is so much fun, made my first HV Solar array to power my mass fabricator, in hindsight building the HV first would have made things easier lol.

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