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Technic disappears after login (repost)



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Mac OS X version 10.7.5

Java Version: version 7 update 9 (build 1.7.0_09-b05)

Antivirus Program: none

Description of Problem:

This problem seemed to happen after I updated my computer and restarted it. Whenever I open Technic it tells me there's a client update and I click ok. Some times it doesn't though. Anyways I do it and it instantly says updated successfully. I open it and it doesn't remember me anymore and my skin isn't there. The password bar is full though. It shows 2 characters (steve) instead of 1 every other time i open it. I login and the screen goes white and right before it says Mojang the launcher and mod disappear. I deleted everything related to technic (technic folder). I download Technic for mac or linux and it still does the same thing. I have been trying to fix it nonstop for hours on end. Please help me with this problem.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

Is this the log?


[13:43:06] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_07-b10'

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] OS Version: '10.7.5'

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'true'

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Copying: /temp/file4236768343191852536.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[13:43:07] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/hackslashmine/modpack.yml' has md5 of '33d7e9392126d8a1bd4bdde839129935' instead of 'fc658483012963bf32a57f8b8f9b402c'

[13:43:07] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[13:43:07] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[13:43:16] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/basemods/basemods-hackslashmine-v0.6.0.zip', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[13:43:20] [sEVERE] Copying: /temp/file2385868681640416995.tmp to: /temp/basemods-hackslashmine-v0.6.0.zip

[13:43:20] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: /temp/basemods-hackslashmine-v0.6.0.zip

[13:43:21] [sEVERE] Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/hackslashmine'

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hold on... Why did you post a new thread... Is this the same issue as last time?

EDIT: Yes it is. I'm out. Bride if you get on you can take a crack at this.

OP: Don't just make a new bug report for the exact same issue. I'm pretty sure that is essentially bumping x10

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I KNOW THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION, but I cannot fix it as I do not know how. The Technic Launcher on OSX runs on Java 6, OSX updated to Java 7, but the Technic Launcher still runs off of Java 6, Java 6 no longer exists on Mac. So I'm sure you see the problem, the Technic Launcher needs to update to Java 7, it should have done this a long time ago and waited until Java 7 for Mac was released, but instead, the Developers waited, and now we must wait, this is a VERY big inconvience for me as I cannot play on my Tekkit Server until this is fixed, and knowing the Developers of Technic, this will take a week or so.

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Hey there angry guy! First, I just want to point out that your first sentence made me laugh. "I know what is wrong and how to fix it but I don't know how to fix it and I don't actually know the problem either!" So that was nice. Second, Java 6 still exists AFAIK, I doubt they would completely get rid of the previous Java version. Next, the Launcher runs fine with Java 7. Fourth, the Launcher cannot know when the next Java update will be released (also your sentence made no sense... "they should have done it a long time ago but they should have waited, but instead they waited." What?)I am sure your inability to play a videogame is a MASSIVE inconvenience to you. Finally, don't insult the developers who work their asses off to deliver a completely free product and support forums that are paid for out of pocket. In the words of Kakermix: Get Bent

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I KNOW THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION, but I cannot fix it as I do not know how. The Technic Launcher on OSX runs on Java 6, OSX updated to Java 7, but the Technic Launcher still runs off of Java 6, Java 6 no longer exists on Mac. So I'm sure you see the problem, the Technic Launcher needs to update to Java 7, it should have done this a long time ago and waited until Java 7 for Mac was released, but instead, the Developers waited, and now we must wait, this is a VERY big inconvience for me as I cannot play on my Tekkit Server until this is fixed, and knowing the Developers of Technic, this will take a week or so.

That is not correct.

Java 6 is the only version of Java supplied by Apple. They even released a patch for it very recently. They only removed the java browser plugin, and the preferences panel. Java 6 is still on the system.

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Okay Mr. Dictator, you obviously do not have the aptitude to understand my sentences. Let me simplify it for you, I know the Launcher runs on Java 7, when you log on to play Tekkit, the actually minecraft launcher crashes because it runs on Java 6. You are wrong, you don't own a mac, you know nothing about the recent updates of OSX, which updated last night to fully integrate Java 7 and get rid of Java 6. That is the problem, I know the Developers work hard, but how much of that work goes into proper development of a solid mac application, maybe 25% of the work they do is on the mac. Don't go telling me, "Not too many people own a mac, so they're not as important as window users." Any self respecting business owner knows that every single customer is important, not just the main market. In my first sentence, I was trying to say the I knew what was wrong, and I knew what had to be done to fix it. I myself do not have the proper skills and access to do it. The Developers should have seen this coming as windows updated to Java 7, so inevitably OSX would have done the same. They should have made a launcher that runs the minecraft launcher portion in Java 7 and held it until OSX updated to Java 7 so that this inconvenience would not have occurred. But instead, the Developers ignored this fact, and will have to rush to fix this problem. This is a big inconvenience for me if I do not have access to it 24/7, I pay about $100 out of pocket every month to run my dedicated 10GB server 24/7. Due to every admin I've had to deal with on this forum, I will simply stop donating to the Developers of the Technic Launcher and Technics website.

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At the bottom, you can see that it says:

Apple Java 6 for Mac OS X

For Java versions 6 and below, Apple supplies their own version of Java.

For Mac OS X 10.6 and below, use the

Software Update feature (available on the Apple menu) to check that you have the most up-to-date version of Java 6 for your Mac. For issues related to Apple Java 6 on Mac, contact Apple Support.

OSX does not allow any backward installations of Apple supplied programs and when you update to Java 7, it automatically deletes the Java 6 files when you restart the computer.

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Okay Mr. Dictator

Made me laugh

you obviously do not have the aptitude to understand my sentences.

Wut all the big wordz mean?

I know the Launcher runs on Java 7, when you log on to play Tekkit, the actually minecraft launcher crashes because it runs on Java 6.

Not sure what you mean by the "actually minecraft launcher" but I will assume you mean the Launcher... I will refer to saintnicster here:

That is not correct.

Java 6 is the only version of Java supplied by Apple. They even released a patch for it very recently. They only removed the java browser plugin, and the preferences panel. Java 6 is still on the system.

You are wrong, you don't own a mac, you know nothing about the recent updates of OSX, which updated last night to fully integrate Java 7 and get rid of Java 6.

I do own a Mac, not sure why you thought I don't... Also, see saintnicster again.

That is the problem, I know the Developers work hard, but how much of that work goes into proper development of a solid mac application, maybe 25% of the work they do is on the mac. Don't go telling me, "Not too many people own a mac, so they're not as important as window users." Any self respecting business owner knows that every single customer is important, not just the main market.

This is demonstrably false. Any sane business owner (the pack is not a business and has no customers but I'll run with it) would never devote the same amount of time when the system has a much smaller user base. It is basic economics, resources (in this case time and patients) are scarce. The best way to allocate said resources is to focus on the Launcher used by the majority of the userbase. If you cater to every single customer, you will overextend yourself and in most cases your business will fail.

The Developers should have seen this coming as windows updated to Java 7, so inevitably OSX would have done the same.

Windows has been running on Java 7 for a long time. They have already gotten up to update 9 for Java 7. Clearly the different OS' use different numbering systems. Java 7 for Windows is not the same as Java 7 for OSX.

But instead, the Developers ignored this fact, and will have to rush to fix this problem.

There is not really an issue I've seen about three people (and two of them were the OP) with this issue...

This is a big inconvenience for me if I do not have access to it 24/7, I pay about $100 out of pocket every month to run my dedicated 10GB server 24/7.

Not our issue

Due to every admin I've had to deal with on this forum, I will simply stop donating to the Developers of the Technic Launcher and Technics website.

Any money you donate goes straight to the Mod creators. Kaker and crew get absolutely 0 money from any donations, and don't use adfly or anything like that. In addition, they don't even accept donations. If you tried to give them money they would turn you away.

Finally, Don't triple post.

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If you had read the other two posts, you would have seen that I was correct, and your information was false, I never use apple.com for any other companies programs, I go to the companies website. Also, Saintniccter showed no real proof except for one update from Apple.com that removed the Mac Applet that allowed you to change which Java application you wanted to use (Java 6 or Java 7 JDK at the time) but since Java 7 is the new standard, they removed that option. And when you say "Not our issue." I would like to inform you that it is directly your issue to serve your "customers" as a business owner would refer to them. You basically said that mac users are not as important as windows users, you have no right to say that, they are just as important, and in saying that you agree with me that barely any of the resources go into developing the mac launcher.

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And when you say "Not our issue." I would like to inform you that it is directly your issue to serve your "customers" as a business owner would refer to them.

It is not the Tekkit developers issue that you overpay for a server. None of that money goes to them, so it is inconsequential.

They are not customers. Customer implies payment. A more apt example would be a giveaway where people were throwing free games into the crowd and then you started complaining that your free game was broken. They have no obligation to provide bug support but they do. Also, again, it is not a business.

You basically said that mac users are not as important as windows users, you have no right to say that, they are just as important, and in saying that you agree with me that barely any of the resources go into developing the mac launcher.

You are putting words into my mouth. Mac users are no less important than PC users, however they make up a smaller portion of the user base, and thus are "less important" from a resource allocation perspective. Also, I never "agreed" with you that barely any resources go into the launcher. I am not a dev but I would assume the Technic devs put many hours of their own free time to create the Pack and Launcher. They did not purposely "break" the launcher so that Mac users couldn't use it.

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This is demonstrably false. Any sane business owner (the pack is not a business and has no customers but I'll run with it) would never devote the same amount of time when the system has a much smaller user base. It is basic economics, resources (in this case time and patients) are scarce. The best way to allocate said resources is to focus on the Launcher used by the majority of the userbase. If you cater to every single customer, you will overextend yourself and in most cases your business will fail.

The Devs of the Technic Launcher and modpack have to make 3 programs and make sure they work properly, this is not too hard of a task for people as technically educated as the Devs are.

You are putting words into my mouth. Mac users are no less important than PC users, however they make up a smaller portion of the user base, and thus are "less important" from a resource allocation perspective. Also, I never "agreed" with you that barely any resources go into the launcher. I am not a dev but I would assume the Technic devs put many hours of their own free time to create the Pack and Launcher. They did not purposely "break" the launcher so that Mac users couldn't use it.

I know they did not break it, but they also have not done anything to fix it.

Windows has been running on Java 7 for a long time. They have already gotten up to update 9 for Java 7. Clearly the different OS' use different numbering systems. Java 7 for Windows is not the same as Java 7 for OSX.

The Java update for OSX is Java 7 update 9, Java released it for windows, mac, linux, and solaris. Java does not use numbers, it uses text coding that is interpreted the same. That is why most java applications run the same on both windows and mac Operating Systems. The only difference between the two is that they need to run on different OS platforms. But the Java coding system is exactly the same.

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Before you two argue any further about what the problem is, Do any of you know how to fix it including steps, not just two word answers.

Confused as to why you don't want two word answers as none of the posts here have been short (let alone 2 words)

The problem is your Java version. Don't know any steps.

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Before you two argue any further about what the problem is, Do any of you know how to fix it including steps, not just two word answers.

EDIT: Oh and by the way Jorcer.....love the picture!

Confused as to why you don't want two word answers as none of the posts here have been short (let alone 2 words)

The problem is your Java version. Don't know any steps.


Hopefully you had Java 6 before. If not, do the uninstall, reboot, then try opening the launcher. If the process hasn't changed too much, you should be allowed/guided to download Java 6 from Software Update.

EDIT- added right quote

EDIT 2 - There's also this page, specifically for the JDK http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/mac/mac-jdk.html#uninstall

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saintnucster, that fix would work perfectly if Apple didn't remove the Java Applet Plugin that allowed you to change it.

Edit- You should have known that by the post you made previously about Apple removing it two days ago.

The applet plugin isn't the full install of Java.

If you would have taken the time to look, you would see that the patch updates Java to 1.6.0_37. Java itself is still there.

The download of the update is 80 megs. What program that deletes java is going to be 80 megs?

I installed the update when it came out, and by god, I still have Java 1.6 installed.

Look, java 1.6.0_37 and no java preference pane!


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saintnicster, the java update is completely different from the Java Applet Plugin, Apple automatically updates Java, the Java Applet Plugin controls which Java Version you use, before the update to Java 7, there was the option to use the Java Applet Plugin to change from Java 6 to Java 7 JDK, but the JDK version has progressed into the full Java 7 version that was released yesterday, the applet was also taken away in the update so now there is no way to change the Java version because you cannot have both Java 6 and Java 7 installed on the mac at the same time and the Java Applet Plugin has been removed.

I am running OSX Lion 10.7.5 I can tell that you are running OSX Snow Leopard, if you read the Java website, you'd see that OSX Lion 10.7.3 was updated to Java 7, and by the way, I laughed when you went into System Preferences to find something in the Utilities folder.

As you can see, I am running Java 7.

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Once I hit Login on the Technic Launcher, another screen appears and then quickly disappears, this is the launchers fault, it does not start the Mojang loading screen.

This was the error/issue a while back.


You don't get the issue using the default launcher because, AFAIK, Mojang compiled the launcher with Java 6, not 7. The same type of error happens when you use something like MultiMC with Java 7, too.

The Technic/Spout launchers are compiled using 7 (with back support for Java 6).

The issue is with LWJGL http://www.puppygames.net/blog/?p=1112

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And when you say "Not our issue." I would like to inform you that it is directly your issue to serve your "customers" as a business owner would refer to them.

Glad I stayed away as long as I did.

So you know sir, it is none of our issues. We didn't write it.

Hold your horses and wait for updates. Quit bitching.

OP, just got find yourself a working version of Java (I think it's linked in here somewhere)

Don't let it update.

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