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chucks stay loaded


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Hi I’m fairly new to tekkit servers but I have an issues with chunks updating when there are no players around or when the server is empty. If I start a quarry and logoff and then log back on in the morning the quarry is finished.

I am running tekkit 1.3.2 without any changes to the mods.

I have the following plugins installed.

  • Wormhole Xtreme
  • Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn
  • Factions
  • Multiverse-Core-2.4,
  • PermissionsEx
  • Vault
  • WorldBorder
  • WorldEdit

If the server is empty and I run /mem I get this

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO World "world2": 627chunks,292entities

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO World "world_the_end": 674chunks,11entities

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Nether "world_nether": 674chunks,87entities

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO World "world": 504chunks,56entities

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Free memory: 486 MB

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Allocated memory: 995 MB

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Maximum memory: 995 MB

21.10 22:52:17 [server] INFO Current TPS = 20.0

Any help would be appreciated.

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So, what you're saying is that you want the server to stop loading chunks when there are no players nearby? I don't really know how that would be changed without editing the mods themselves.

I can tell you why it's happening at least. Some blocks, such as quarries, force chunks to load around them. I can't say for sure, but I believe it helps prevent things that could cause larger issues. There are also blocks, such as world anchors and teleport tethers, that have a sole purpose of loading chunks. Some of your players could be using these as well.

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I'm using NoSpawnChunks and it seems to work with tekkit. I'm currently testing it. I have disabled chunk loaders so it shouldn't have any problems with those.

Just a warning: Even though it works for me, it doesn't necessarily work for you.

I did get an error right after I installed it, something about some IC stuff being corrupted, but when I investigated the coordinates every IC-machine I tried worked just fine and there weren't any problems. After that I haven't had any problems at all.

My Nolagg report looks like this when no1 is in the server:

30.10 08:19:31 [server] INFO You are no longer monitoring this server.

30.10 08:19:30 [server] INFO Ticks per second: 19.5 [98.0%]

30.10 08:19:30 [server] INFO Chunk packet sending thread: 0.0% busy

30.10 08:19:30 [server] INFO Entities: 4 [1 mobs] [3 items] [0 mobile TNT]

30.10 08:19:30 [server] INFO Chunks: 104 [-760 Unloadable] [+0] [-0]

30.10 08:19:30 [server] INFO Memory: 208/3065 MB (+221 modified)(+10 MB/s)

30.10 08:19:30 [server] INFO Update: 0.0 ms (null took longest)

Link to NoSpawnChunks: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/nospawnchunks/

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