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I would like to know the role/task of the following projects:


Craft Bukkit

Forge Bukkit

Minecraft Forge

Forge Mod Loader (FML ?)

and any adjunct not mentioned names, because I'm very confused about these projects.

Thanks in advance!


Bukkit: A server plugin API.

Craftbukkit: A wrapper for said API.

Forgebukkit: A canceled project to unify Forge and Bukkit.

MinecraftForge: An API for mods.

ForgeModLoader: A program that allows Forge to load ModLoader mods.


Bukkit is a specialized minecraft server platform that allows the use of server side plugins to both control and protect the server. It basically expands the capabilities of the very limited default minecraft server by adding much needed features. Examples would be the worldguard plugin that allows you to lock down areas preventing other players from editing them.

Craftbukkit is a special version of bukkit designed to support the use of mods in addition to the plugins. However due to issues inherit in bukkit mods need to be specially ported to work in this environment which is why most SMP mods have a special version for use with bukkit.

Foragebukkit is a special version of forage designed to work with bukkit as the two normally conflict with one another since they edit and use the same files.

Minecraft Forge is akin to mods as java is akin to minecraft, it is the magic that allows the mods to work. Basically it is designed to over come the limitations inherit in normal minecraft as well as allowing multiple mods to interact with one another. Examples would be the ore dictionary that allows mods to share the same ores aka copper, tin, and silver which other wise would require each mod to generate its own ores.

FML is a part of forage that allows minecaft to load the mods directly from the mods folder instead of having to manually combine mods in the minecraft jar file your self.

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