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My Modpack Does not download!


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Hello I am StarchyPumpkin and I have a problem....

My mod pack is not downloading the mod pack is on dropbox and I am not sure what to do!

I found a website that has a converter that turns share links into direct downloads! t seemed very trustworthy and this is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbbpx2ypdzqf57m/Desktop.rar?dl=1#

This is the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbbpx2ypdzqf57m/Desktop.rar?dl=0

I think it is something wrong with the file and not the link as the mod pack downloads to 99% and then gives a error code.

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  • Discord Moderator
  • Always provide the API URL or a link to your pack platform page when requesting custom modpack assistance.
  • Dropbox URLs should be altered in this fashion: Change "www" to "dl". Change "dropbox" to "dropboxusercontent". Remove the trailing "?dl=0" or "?dl=1". Do not use some third party site just to "transform" a link.
  • Always ensure you increment the pack version number any time you alter the pack data or metadata.
  • Your modpack archive is in RAR format. All archive files intended for use in the platform must be in ZIP format only.
  • Your /bin/modpack.jar file is named "modpack.jar.jar". Google "windows explorer always show file extensions" to learn how to avoid this issue.
  • You should upgrade your Forge version to 1614.
  • Your modpack archive has no config files in the /config/ folder. All modpacks should include a full compliment of config files.
  • Some of your mods (Ancient Warfare, Damage Indicators, Iron Chests) are not from legitimate sources. Always download your mods from the locations specified/preferred by their authors.
  • Your ChickenBones mods are out of date (CodeChickenCore, NEI).
  • You should remove the " (1)" from the witchery file name.
Edited by plowmanplow
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