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Discovered: method of making any YouTube video hilarious!


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Has anyone else tried using the Captions feature on YouTube? It gets some hilarious results. So, I'm making a random off topic thread to ask people what their favourite screwed up captions are on YouTube so I can laugh my arse off more than I already have without having to find the videos!

My favourite one so far has to be at 13:57 in this video:

If you look at it, I'm sure you'll see why.

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Has anyone else tried using the Captions feature on YouTube? It gets some hilarious results. So, I'm making a random off topic thread to ask people what their favourite screwed up captions are on YouTube so I can laugh my arse off more than I already have without having to find the videos!

My favourite one so far has to be at 13:57 in this video:


If you look at it, I'm sure you'll see why.

It seems to have been removed unfortunately. Also, m.

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