So today I decided to start playing Hexxit, and when I opened it, I was having a blast until I crashed and it said I need to basically add more ram, which ahead and added. I then and went to open my game up again, and it goes to a white screen. So now my launcher isn't using the 64 bit causing it to go white. I went to go look at what my Java was in my control panel and it says that it is 32 bit, but the problem is that i have never download 32 bit java. Can somebody please tell me how do i make 64 bit my default, I've looked now for hrs and I can't figure it out, its always about downloading the most updated java then deleting the old, but the 32 bit java isn't even showing up as an option to delete. BTW i'm using java uninstaller to look for this. And yes my computer is 64 bit.
So today I decided to start playing Hexxit, and when I opened it, I was having a blast until I crashed and it said I need to basically add more ram, which ahead and added. I then and went to open my game up again, and it goes to a white screen. So now my launcher isn't using the 64 bit causing it to go white. I went to go look at what my Java was in my control panel and it says that it is 32 bit, but the problem is that i have never download 32 bit java. Can somebody please tell me how do i make 64 bit my default, I've looked now for hrs and I can't figure it out, its always about downloading the most updated java then deleting the old, but the 32 bit java isn't even showing up as an option to delete. BTW i'm using java uninstaller to look for this. And yes my computer is 64 bit.
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