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What version is Grief Prevention #277?


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Hello, all,

I am currently creating a Cauldron/Tekkit server with my friend on Minecraft version 1.6.4. We are trying to install Grief Prevention, however there is no version for 1.6.4. Through several forums posts, I've seen that version #277 works for most people on 1.6.4. However, I do not know where to find this version number. I only see grief prevention with Minecraft versions; nothing to do with #277.

If anyone has any idea what or where grief prevention #277 is, please send a link to it my way!


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1.6.4 is quite old, many people will simply tell you that version is not supported.

As far as I can tell that specific build was one that was released during the transition of owners for the project, as such it doesn't seem to be posted in any official project pages. I was unable to find any within a few minutes of searching, so you may be out of luck. If this is a private server is there any reason to be using cauldron? I'm not sure why you would really need plugins running on a private server, especially one for grief prevention, just trust each other ;).

Good luck on your searches though, I hoped into their IRC channel but it appeared to be dead.

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1 hour ago, TerdyTheTerd said:

Good luck on your searches though, I hoped into their IRC channel but it appeared to be dead.

Ah, you seem to be a bit confused between discord and IRC. It's quite a regular thing to be waiting for a couple hours for an answer on IRC.

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9 hours ago, TerdyTheTerd said:

I'm not sure how its possible to confuse the two. There were no other users in the channel, hence why I said it appeared to be dead. I'm sure I could sit around all day and wait, but that's an investment for OP to make.

Anyhow, I contacted PlowmanPlow, who may reply at a later point.

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