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I was just wondering why this mod pack does not use PowerCrystals NetherOres mod? It includes all of the functionality of the AtomicStryker NetherOres mod that is currently being used, but adds more ores to the nether that all of the mods included utilize, such as lead, uranium, and silver. The mod does require his core mod but so does the Minefactory Reloaded mod that is currently being used.


Powercrystal's nether ores was not released at the time tekkit lite was put together. I have a feeling it would be included once they update tekkit lite to remove rail craft or in the future at some point. Otherwise they may avoid doing so in order to prevent issues with people already playing the pack.


Adding nether ores now would not cause much issue. People would simply need to delete there old nether and let the server generate a new one. Most people never build anything in the nether any way, aside from lava pumping stations.


Last I heard, PowerCrystal had stepped away from modding, and AtomicStryker had gotten the maintain rights from TehKrush, who had been given the rights by PowerCrystal himself.

EDIT: Looks like PowerCrystal is back and has taken over from AtomicStryker, so further updates may very well have his versions in it.

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