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How is custom modpacks done?


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I felt I had to comment here

Why do we have to sit through an eight-minute video of some american guy saying what could be said in half the time in order to find out how to make a custom modpack?

I gave up trying to download the video, not everyone has fast internet. How hard would it be to post clear instructions in an efficient textual format?

I get sick of this mentality of "watch a youtube video to find out how to do something"

If someone else has managed to sit through this video, can they please post instructions on how to do it?

This kind of thing REALLY bugs me.

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here's your concise explanation:

create a zip file with the same folder structure as the minecraft folder. i.e. a mods folder, a config folder, a bin folder, etc.

put the files you want to add or overwrite into the correct folders, mods in the mods folder, config files in config, etc.

you don't need folders you aren't changing anything in, so if you're not messing with modpack.jar you don't need a bin folder in your zip.

replacing mods requires that you name the file the same, even if it's an upgraded version.

host your zip file somewhere.

put the URL to your zip in the custom zip box.

you're done.

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I felt I had to comment here

Why do we have to sit through an eight-minute video of some american guy saying what could be said in half the time in order to find out how to make a custom modpack?

I gave up trying to download the video, not everyone has fast internet. How hard would it be to post clear instructions in an efficient textual format?

I get sick of this mentality of "watch a youtube video to find out how to do something"

If someone else has managed to sit through this video, can they please post instructions on how to do it?

This kind of thing REALLY bugs me.

Awesome thanks for that explanation

And thanks for being super insulting and rude with your feedback earlier. You're the best and my favourite. I'm glad we could help.

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theres a tutorial video.... that would explain it very much. Sorry for wasting your time

Off to find it now

I feel stupid now, I think I got it now

Thank you so much for being an intelligent person who responds well to gentle reprimands.

If you continue doing so, I'm absolutely positive you will be welcome here.

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