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HelloCreeper is back!

Ralsha Denmoon

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Hellocreeper was a successful Tekkit server ran by Awesomebilly (I believe his username on here is hellocreeper). Think it got shutdown like 8 months ago. Reason: He ended up getting ddosed cause an asshole wanted his playerbase or wanted $5000 so the dude wouldnt ddos him. Short Story, He got ddosed and the server got shutdown. He brought it backup and is having me help run it while he's in school learning java code.

Figured I'd let people know it's back up and such. If you go to the open servers under tekkit classic. Look for 3.1.2 adulterycraft/hellocreeper. It used to have like a steady 100 players on it everyday.

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Hellocreeper was a successful Tekkit server ran by Awesomebilly (I believe his username on here is hellocreeper). Think it got shutdown like 8 months ago. Reason: He ended up getting ddosed cause an asshole wanted his playerbase or wanted $5000 so the dude wouldnt ddos him. Short Story, He got ddosed and the server got shutdown. He brought it backup and is having me help run it while he's in school learning java code.

Figured I'd let people know it's back up and such. If you go to the open servers under tekkit classic. Look for 3.1.2 adulterycraft/hellocreeper. It used to have like a steady 100 players on it everyday.

why use the name adulterycraft? that's what got me confused, making me think it was some sort of creeper molestation mod

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it was awesomebilly's idea to change ti adulterycraft. We get a lot of people on and they claim it is cause of the name. They find it funny so come in and join. So far about 70% of the players claim they joined cause of the funny name.

that's a cheap tactic..

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why is that cheap hm? Every server wants players to come on and play. People offer stuff and so on. Plus thats why people pick certain names for their servers as well. SO which means your calling every server owner cheap then. Nice one.

yes, yes i am. the name of something should be representatory of what it holds.

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yeah it does have something in common, like 80% of the playerbase were prevs back on hellocreeper and most of the same pbase is back on adulterycraft. So a pervy name gives hints that there are pervs on the server plus its mostly an anarchy server as well. So there's a few rules to keep server lag/respect towards the admins. Then the rest of it are optional rules in case people dont want to hear certain things in chat. But for the most part everybody enjoys the raiding/griefing/pvp environment. So all in all. I think the name fits the server. Anyways off to do other things irl.

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