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Macerator glitch



Title: Macerator glitch

Version: 0.5.1

OS: Windows 7

Java Version: version 7

Description of Problem:

My macerator was on next to a generator pulverizing iron ore. I exited, the got back on, and both my macerator and generator looked like machine blocks. I mined both of them. I got the generator, but my macerator turned into a machine block.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

5 answers to this question

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you have to remove IC2 machines with a wrench, otherwise you'll get only a machine block from nearly every single one. Wrenches also have a 20% chance of dropping a machine block, unless it's an electric wrench set to Lossless Mode. Alternately, you can use the prototype omniwrench, which has the same functions as an electric wrench in lossless mode.

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KiraKodera is correct with removing the glitchy machines, but I know there is currently something causing machines to visually flip sideways.

That normally corrects quickly though. This seems like it was like that for awhile. Maybe some more info would help?

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