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Offline Mode



Hey guys

with the old launcher there used to be offline mode if u couldnt connect to minecraft.net now there isnt i cant play technic without being connected to the internet can someone give me some ideas or can Cheap Shot maybe add an offline mode

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So, its possible to play offline... But you must have already downloaded Tekkit on PC. This way is simply locked access of Technic Launcher to internet and activate offline-mode.

You must to have Hex-Editor and archiver.


1) Open technic-launcher.jar with archiver and find file org/spoutcraft/launcher/Main.class .

2) Extract it in any folder.

3) Open Main.class with hex-editor and find nearly address 000018E1 this sequence of byte:


4) Change it to:


5) Save Main.class and rewrite it in the archive.

6) Launch technic-launcher.jar. You'll see the button "Offline Mode".

Of course, you can not update the game, but you can play. If you want more - to buy the game.

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I seriously can't understand why you guys don't add and Username changer and Offline Mode button... I don't see any problem in letting people who didn't buy the game play... I bought it, but I can't play with my friends that don't have Minecraft... sad. I'll keep trying to modify the launcher, but my knowledge in java is shitty.

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I seriously can't understand why you guys don't add and Username changer and Offline Mode button... I don't see any problem in letting people who didn't buy the game play... I bought it, but I can't play with my friends that don't have Minecraft... sad. I'll keep trying to modify the launcher, but my knowledge in java is shitty.

Listen very carefully.

We only care to support users that have actually purchased the Minecraft product. We DO NOT give a shit about people who haven't, why should we? They seem to be the most idiotic, asshol-ish self-entitled fuck-wits I've seen. Ask me how I know!

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Listen very carefully.

We only care to support users that have actually purchased the Minecraft product. We DO NOT give a shit about people who haven't, why should we? They seem to be the most idiotic, asshol-ish self-entitled fuck-wits I've seen. Ask me how I know!

Listen very carefully:

I understand that you guys can choose to not give a fuck to them, but what makes them the most idiotic, asshol-ish self-entitled fuck-wits you've seen? Only because they don't have money to buy a game? I seriously tought you guys where more liberal and mind-opened... I totally disagree with paying for stuff so trivial like games... but that's the way shitty capitalism works, huh?

The game costs 48 Reais (Brazil currency), in direct conversion. A common salary for someone in Brazil is about 5000 Reais, which is 2770 Dollars. Working 8 hours a day (which is common), you'll get 28,5 Reais per hour. So you need to work 1,7 hours to buy a game... isn't there something wrong? I think there is... and it's all in DIRECT MONETARY CONVERSION, because if you don't have a international credit card, you'll need to pay taxes and more taxes... also, 5000 Reais is common for people in Medium monetary situation, and almost half the people in Brazil are quite poor and recives 2000 Reais per month, which means 1108 dollars (In direct conversion).

Anyway, it isn't your guys fault, I just was thinking why you think piracy is so fucking wrong. If the companies weren't getting the money they want, they would stop producing games. Piracy isn't evil: what is evil is companies whanting to fucking swim in money...

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Listen very carefully:

I understand that you guys can choose to not give a fuck to them, but what makes them the most idiotic, asshol-ish self-entitled fuck-wits you've seen? Only because they don't have money to buy a game?

This is where you went wrong.

Noone here gives two shits about pirates because every one of them, like you, wanders onto the forums and immediately whines about the launcher until they get probated. Every. Time.

Noone cares about your financial situation, or whether you agree with paying for games. Your entitlement is fucking irritating.

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This is where you went wrong.

Noone here gives two shits about pirates because every one of them, like you, wanders onto the forums and immediately whines about the launcher until they get probated. Every. Time.

Noone cares about your financial situation, or whether you agree with paying for games. Your entitlement is fucking irritating.

Ye, in that point you're right... people with pirated Minecraft tend to not be polite in forums... but not giving a fuck about financial situation of people is kinda rude (considering that you can make their life easier and funnier)...

But whatever, I still love Tekkit and their creators, I was just thinking about my friends (and I do have a premium account I bought: epixpivotmaster).

And one question: If I get to modify the launcher, is it wrong to publish somewhere? I know I won't do it in this forums, but, since it's open coded, I can publish it on my website, can't I?

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Ye, in that point you're right... people with pirated Minecraft tend to not be polite in forums... but not giving a fuck about financial situation of people is kinda rude (considering that you can make their life easier and funnier)...

But whatever, I still love Tekkit and their creators, I was just thinking about my friends (and I do have a premium account I bought: epixpivotmaster).

And one question: If I get to modify the launcher, is it wrong to publish somewhere? I know I won't do it in this forums, but, since it's open coded, I can publish it on my website, can't I?

You don't 'get' it.

The worst people we've dealt with on these forums have been self-entitled pirates. I don't care about how much money, or what your financial situation is or any of that. The simpe fact is this:

These forums are our responsibility, and as such actively helping piracy in the case of Minecraft, which requires you to purchase a product from them. In no way are we going to help anyone looking for help with piracy of a product you are supposed to pay for.

Nothing personal, but we're not willing to shoulder that responsibility because we 'feel bad'.

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I guess thats a no then guys?

it's a, "the feature still exists", but you apparently missed that part. I know it was probably hard to read the very first reply to your post. maybe you are like that one chick in the andromeda strain that forgets things when she sees red?

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I guess thats a no then guys?

Like I said before, there is an offline mode. It works exactly like normal Minecraft. If you start up the Launcher and it can't connect to the internet/minecraft.net, then it will open in offline mode. There is no toggle because there doesn't need to be. It emulates how the vanilla launcher operates.

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Like kaker said. It emulates the way that the minecraft launcher does.

Turn it on while you are online and logged in, and it will download things.

exactly. once you have done this one time, you never need to be online to play again. that is assuming you never want to update to a newer version of the pack when it comes out or whatever.

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well you say theres an offline mode for the technic, but when i try it just says unable to connect to minecraft server and wont let me play still. I already signed in downloaded the mods and i do have a minecraft account but im moving and probally wont have the internet for about 3-5months. :( so i want to get some work in offline in technic as i have not done much with it yet, so how do i get the offline to work now as i am not given the option like you said :|

im also refering to the technic launcher


well ty Cheap Shot i found an old post on how to use offline mode in technic launcher so i wont have any problems in the future without internet for a while

well except for the fact i wont be able to keep up with anime :( this is gona suck so bad

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it's a, "the feature still exists", but you apparently missed that part. I know it was probably hard to read the very first reply to your post. maybe you are like that one chick in the andromeda strain that forgets things when she sees red?

Im currently reading the andromeda strain :D

And if you dont have an internet connection, how are you accessing the forums?

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Sorry for some offtopic, but I dont undestand people who say that there is no offline mode. Yesterday i didint have internet access, just launched technick launcher, and after few second I could play offline without any files modifications. It just works.

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it just boils down to notch says it's ok to pirate his game. Yes that's fine go pirate it. Will notch give you pirated minecraft? No. Will WE give you prirated minecraft? No get bent. Will we do twice as much work every day so that our launcher can somehow work with your pirated account? No get double bent. We'd probably have to break the law to do that and you're just not worth it sorry. If you want to pirate minecraft, accept that it means some things will be more difficult and less convenient. So in the long run, I think what I'm trying to say is, get bent.

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