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[3.1.2][PvP][EE Enabled] XenBox - Just another Tekkit server...

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You can now upgrade to the VIP rank for just £2.50!

It includes added features and permissions such as: joining the server when full, instantly feed yourself and change the player time!



Hey guys one of the best servers i have ever played on don't be a idiot like me and get kicked for greif and follow the rules (ps ignore any who bothers you and don't care about what they say and leave them to there annoying ways) join the server guys it was fun while it lasted.


(pps hobo all of my stuff can you plz give it all to Genuine_X and if you can anything i had on me at the time ty)


srry about the last post anyway flaming hobo you should remove the amulets or disable the amulets lava/water creation abilities that is how i was able to grief dizzy


Quick update:

Amulets have been banned, as they can be used to grief in protected and claimed areas.

I am currently building a new spawn with more notice boards for info and help.

We did suffer a DDOS attack at about 18:00GMT until about 19:00GMT this evening.




I honestly love this server, it's fun have a great community with nice people :)

i've been playing on the server for a while now and it's still as fun as when i joined :D

I hope this server will be online forever, i know thats hard but i'm not allowed to donate (my parents say i cant) but i would if i could ;)

I did get griefed but that was a week ago and now it its fine again :)

So i wanna say thanks to Matt(Flaminghobo98),Jack(JKT667),Dizzy_Dod and alot more people but especially these people)

This server made me enjoy Tekkit again :)

Thank you! :D

This server actually helped me through some stuff IRL(something happened i don't wanna say it here on the web)(relax it was not something that bad but)and the server / community made me sooo happy :)



  "tekkitnewbie187 said:
this server sucks someone took ill my stuff in PROTECTED Chests and broke PROTECTED blocks dont ever join

You said you liked the server at first but now you just hate it this is really immature, i got griefed i lost much items but i started again and had fun i dident rage like you.

im sorry but i just have to say it it's really immature.


Thanks for such a kind review :) we try to make our community as friendly and as fun as possible and its nice that it can have a positive effect on our members :) don't worry about not being able to donate... we only ask if people could spare a couple of quid it would be nice but its not my main focus :)

Thanks again



Quick update guys... The new spawn is finished, but more domes are going to be added on. And, more permissions have been added to VIP!


edit: I have increased the server slots, but we ran into a few problems with the upgrade. It was not a fault of ours but more so of our server host. We will have the server up as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.

  • 2 weeks later...

We did just have a small bit of downtime due to some DNS errors, so it wouldn't let you join. Its fixed now.


edit: Same has happened again. Join the server with the ip:

Will hopefully be fixed soon. It is out of our control at the moment.

Thanks for your patience


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