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Installing client side mods not contained in custom ModPack?


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So I've got my custom modpack up and running for my guys - it's working great and I love the new platform (especially TechnicSolder)! But what I'm not sure about is loading client side mods that I don't want included in the modpack. Like Optifine. I like it, some of my users like it, but others don't want it. I know I could include it in my modpack, but since some don't want it, I don't want to force it.

Unfortunately Optifine needs to be injected into minecraft.jar - or in this case, in modpack.jar. But there are class files in there with the same name, and I can't imagine it's good to overwrite them (I'm using Forge in my modpack.jar). We're coming from the FTB launcher where we could normally include the Optifine zip file in the instMods folder, but I don't see that the Technic launcher supports anything like that... maybe I'm wrong?

So any tips? What's the best way to get Optifine (and potentially others) installed without them being in the modpack?


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Maybe you could manually install it. I'm pretty sure the Launcher just sets up a Forge environment for your mod pack and runs it. So if you mess with stuff in there, as long as the Launcher doesn't undo your changes, it should be fine. There WOULD be a problem if the mod was adding block IDs or something of the sort, or if there were other total incompatibilities, but for something that doesn't affect the map or game mechanics, it should be fine methinks.

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Yeah, I tried it out for myself and it appears to work. But my concern is this:

Optifine has ast.class (42k) AND Forge has ast.class (16k). The manual install method is to drag all the optifine classes into the modpack.jar which overwrites that existing one from Forge. The FTB launcher (and MultiMC) both have ways of handling mods that need to be injected into the main jar by using an "instMods" folder. Then the launcher takes care of the merges without conflicting.

Anyway - like I said, I tried manually and it SEEMS to work - but I can't imagine that overwriting that Forge class file is a good thing. :)

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Optifine is built to work with Forge. In a way, you're not actually replacing anything, just adding to it. Or at least that's how I think it works - the Optifine files should contain the Forge stuff too. Even if that's wrong, my statement about it being meant to work with Forge is still true. There's nothing to worry about.

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Yeah, optifine is sort of a special case. The reason that they contain the same file is that forge has some rudimentary support for Hi-res texture packs, but recommends you install optifine. It also includes code to check if you're using optifine, So it's not that optifine has forge stuff, but that forge has optifine stuff, but will always concede to optifine if it's installed. That's why ordering is important when installing jar mods, forge first, then optifine.

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Good info - thanks all! Speaking of ordering, does anyone have any insider knowledge of what the future holds for the launcher? I would love to see it add some features that MultiMC has (and the FTB launcher) - like mod management. :)

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