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Modpack Folder Question


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I am not entirely sure of the structure of the mod pack folders.

Currently I have:





In the bin folder there is:


In the modpack jar, I basically renamed the Forge ZIP to modpack.jar and copied the files from the JAR mods into that folder (like what you would do if you manually installed a JAR mod). Or do you place the actual mod archives into the /modpack/ folder (not in the modpack.jar)?

In the config folder, I have all the files from my MultiMC config folder.

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...modpack folder? There is no modpack folder. modpack.jar goes into /bin/.

Yea, just going by the quasi-helpful information available. I would prefer to just be able to place the JAR mods in a JAR folder rather than having to place them in the modpack.jar.

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Hey, Mark1, as Niavmai said, there shouldn't be a "modpack" folder in "bin", just the "modpack.jar" directly. You can make it by just renaming the Forge zip like you did. No need to place the class files from all the mods in that one, though. Just place all your mods directly in the "mods" folder. A few mods, like "NotEnoughItems", have to go into "coremods". (There are a tiny few mods that do require you to place stuff in the "modpack.jar". Like Optifine, I think.)

To begin with, I don't think you actually need to include any config files unless you want to include an edited version of them. So if you haven't modified any config files, just leave that folder empty for now. (If you need to get a clean config file for a mod, one way to get at them is to install the mod, run Minecraft and then check the config folder. There should now be a config file for your newly installed mod.) One common reason you might want to include these is when you've edited them to resolve block-ID issues.

If you want to see the folder/file structure for yourself, just check out the folder for any modpack you've already installed via the Launcher. Besides all the stuff that gets downloaded and unpacked, it'll have the four folders you mentioned with all the files as they need to be.

Hope that helps.

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Yea, I maintained a pretty "popular" mod list at one time with information on where the mods go, etc so I'm aware of all that. :) I'm having a lot of problems with the parsing errors so it's making it really difficult to get this right. I have to use the configs I have cause it gets the IDs right. I just include some like Gregtech in case someone needs them.

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From what I can tell, the structure looks fine. As was mentioned, the file modpack.jar just goes directly into the bin folder, not in a sub-folder. You put all your other jar mods in with your renamed forge, just like you would install them in the minecraft.jar.

Having a folder for jar mods might be a neat feature. The only potential problem I could think of is making sure the mods are installed in the right order, since I think that can cause some issues. MultiMC has it set in their program that you can reorder the list, and it just runs them in order. Not sure how hard an installation order like that would be to implement in the Technic Platform.

Hope some of that somewhere helps! :)

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