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Client + Server evolving from Vanilla to Tekkit Lite. A few questions.

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My survival server of 7 people is looking to migrate into using Tekkit instead of vanilla Minecraft.

Two questions:

1. I read through the "getting started" wiki (http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/Getting_Started) and then loaded up the lite survival version of the mod in single player. Upon starting, I hit "E" and noticed I could build everything - we are looking for a survival option, not a creative option. I am assuming I selected a wrong option somewhere, could I get pointed in the right direction?

2. One dissenter from our group of players is that tekkit is "easy mode." Now, without much knowledge about tekkit, it seems that the mod provides its own set of new challenges to explore - leaving the old set of vanilla problems on the side. Does the SMP version of this mod make everything "easy" or am I correct to assume the new challenges brings about a new balanced approach to the game?

I am the server administrator and can make sure all the settings are correct. Thanks!

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1. Tekkit comes with NEI, or "Not Enough Item", so on the right side, you have a list of everything available in game, but unless every player are Op, and set in Cheat mode, then by default, NEI is set to recipe mode, which allows you to see recipes for everything simply by clicking on it, it's very useful since tekkit adds a lot of new items/weapons/machines to the game.

2. At first glance, it may look easy, having powered machinery to make everything quicker, electric furnaces that allows you to smelt a full stack on iron ore in less than 5 seconds, but when you look deeper, you realize that those things are very useful, as the more you start to expand, the more resources you need, just take a look at the high voltage solar array, which is the most efficient way to produce EU, but requires several thousand ingots of different type to create, so setting up quarries and automating the smelting process is pretty much required if you have big aspirations.

Also, you have other mods, like Mystcraft, which allows you to visit, and even create alternate dimension, but requires a lot of time and effort to get working properly.

Basically, Tekkit may look easy, but there is so much you can do, like automating a full factory that mines and even build everything for you, but doing so, the legit way, takes a lot of time and effort, and exploration, since this mod pack offers a lot of new features that have been missing from the vanilla version of the game. I've been playing tekkit since it pretty much came out, and when I go back to vanilla, all I can say is, damn this is easy. Once you start using machines from thermal expansion, you're gonna hate the old cobblestone furnace!

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It is also possible that your dissenter was considering the original Tekkit (now Tekkit Classic) which had Equivalency Exchange 2 (EE2). That mod, if nothing was disabled, provided a mechanism that within a few real time days of playing could give any player unlimited resources of every type (using condensers, collectors, transmutation tables).

In Tekkit Lite, which has EE3, there is no similar mechanism. Yes, there are machines and setups that can make mining quicker and less tedious. As Hostileca mentioned, that acceleration is balanced by needing staggering amounts of resource to accomplish some tasks. You also get access to Red Power microblocks which can make for some truly awesome looking builds.

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Wow thanks for the information guys. I managed to set the server up in Survival so crafting worked properly. Hopefully I don't get yelled at for detracting off my own topic but I noticed a few things that I do not understand quite yet:

1. It seems that players who are not OP are unable to mine, in this example, trees, with their hatchet. I had to make them OP for them to have that ability. The wood block would disappear and then reappear instantly.

2. The server properties has zombies enabled, however, at night time they appear and disappear almost instantly - making them essentially non-existent.

3. Food doesn't seem to be necessary ether. The hunger bar never goes down and we've played through several days.

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Wow thanks for the information guys. I managed to set the server up in Survival so crafting worked properly. Hopefully I don't get yelled at for detracting off my own topic but I noticed a few things that I do not understand quite yet:

1. It seems that players who are not OP are unable to mine, in this example, trees, with their hatchet. I had to make them OP for them to have that ability. The wood block would disappear and then reappear instantly.

2. The server properties has zombies enabled, however, at night time they appear and disappear almost instantly - making them essentially non-existent.

3. Food doesn't seem to be necessary ether. The hunger bar never goes down and we've played through several days.

Are you sure the difficulty is set to survival? This sounds like peaceful mode. As for not being able to break blocks, there are some fixes floating around these forums. I don't know one from the top of my head, so you'll have to look through the topics a bit.

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Looks like that was it. Zombies spawn, health depletes, and I was able to move east a bit and unassign myself as an admin and was able to break blocks.

One more question I have: My previous vanilla server ran bukkit and dynmap. Does tekkit support this? I downloaded a 1.4.7 edition of bukkitforge and put it into coremods but when attempting to run the launch.bat, the sever never launches. (Tons of "[iNFO] STDERR" messages, ending in "...9 more"). Is this a confliction with one of the dozens of mods tekkit uses? No plugins folder was even created yet. Simply removing the bukkitforge jar file from the coremods directory reverts back to a fully working server.

Edit: I read that BukkitForge is not yet supported. That said, I downloaded Forge 6.6.0, installed it in the mod directory (without issue), and put the dynmap files in the newly created plugins directory. The plugin is not detected at server startup.

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Looks like that was it. Zombies spawn, health depletes, and I was able to move east a bit and unassign myself as an admin and was able to break blocks.

One more question I have: My previous vanilla server ran bukkit and dynmap. Does tekkit support this? I downloaded a 1.4.7 edition of bukkitforge and put it into coremods but when attempting to run the launch.bat, the sever never launches. (Tons of "[iNFO] STDERR" messages, ending in "...9 more"). Is this a confliction with one of the dozens of mods tekkit uses? No plugins folder was even created yet. Simply removing the bukkitforge jar file from the coremods directory reverts back to a fully working server.

Edit: I read that BukkitForge is not yet supported. That said, I downloaded Forge 6.6.0, installed it in the mod directory (without issue), and put the dynmap files in the newly created plugins directory. The plugin is not detected at server startup.

Have you checked the compatibility of the plugin? Because some are incompatible.

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