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How can i tame and ride a chocobo


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Let's go through the checklist:

- Do I have a mod installed? Considering you've got the Big Dig thread tag there, I'm guessing: Yes.

- Does the mod have a website/thread on a forums? Once again: Big Dig. Quick look through the modlist gave me this thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1119809-151sspsmpforge-torojimas-chococraft-273-explore-your-worlds-riding-chocobos/

- Did I check the website/thread of the mod for instructions? If you dare answer "Yes" to this question, I'll strangle a kitten.

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How can i tame and ride a chocobo i think it is tamed usin a feather or watever is used to tame it pls help

you have to trap it in a pit of netherrack and light the netherrack on fire, this will turn it into a "tamed" chocobo. After this just put a saddle on it and you are good to go!

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