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Welcome To DragonisTech!

We are currently running on BukitForge, Essentials and Lockette for Chest Protection. If you are looking for a server with mature staffs, friendly players and constantly online, this would be the ideal server for you.

We might not be the most perfect server out there, but we hope to provide you with a pleasant experiences in our server. Therefore, do give us a chance and join our server now!


Server Rules

These are the rules of our server, please oblige to them if you wish to be trusted on the server and not be condemn.

1. Raiding Is Allowed (For Unlocked Chests Only)

2. No Griefing (Includes Machines; Macerators and Etc)

3. No Exploitation (Duplication Glitches, Hacks and Etc)

4. Please Do Not Harass The Staff (For Items and Etc)

5. No Spawn Killing (Includes Shops/Markets)

6. Respect All Players and Staffs

7. Keep Your Swearing To The Minimum

8. Any Loss Due To Stupidity and Negligent Is Player's Responsibility.

9. No Spamming (Includes TPA Spam and Etc)

Banned Items

Items that are banned due to possible exploitation and damages to server.

1. No Nukes

2. No Dynamites (Normal and Sticky)

3. No Canvas Bag

4. No Mining Laser

5. There are others

Staff Members

These are the players that consist of the staffs.

[Owner] DylanStar12

[Admin] Lucien_Arc & Captainocelot & Infinitis666

[Mod] Sammynil & Legodarkwolf & pr0min3nce


Finally, We hope you will visit our server and have a pleasant experience. If you have any inquiries regarding to the server, please direct your question to DylanStar12 or any of the other staff members that are online.

Please note that running a server is not free. If you happen to like our server, please donate to the server to keep it going.

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