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[Voltz V1.1.4]Angus's Warzone[Pvp][20 slots][Whitelist][No Mystcraft] Mature Community


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  • No Griefing of Anykind, No Spawn camping, No Raiding Offline Players, No Stealing from Offline Player, No Breaking Blocks on a Base(Explosives Only)
  • Banned Items: Red Matter, Anti Matter, Sonic, and hyper sonic (they crash the server)
  • Smaller Server with 20 slots, just wanted to have a server that was good, and not full of crappy people and admins.
  • 24/7 Uptime on Server, Multiple Restarts a day to keep it smooth.
  • Looking for Mature people to come and have fun blowing people up or stealthy raids. It's up too you.
  • For consideration leave your In Game Name, Age, A reason your looking for a newer smaller server.
  • This server went up 5/13/2013 in the Morning EST. Its New and ready for a new Fun loving and missile loving community. We also would like people that know how to respect the rules and other people on the server. I assure you that I will not tolerate people breaking the few rules that we have, or any other rules that may come into play in the future should there be a need. I love this game, and I would like to find a good group of people to play with.

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Name: Floyd

IGN: Triqoz

Age: 17

Country: Holland

Languages: Dutch, English. Little bit of french german and spanish

Expierence: 2 months of voltz, 3 years of regular minecraft.

Why: Looking for a mature community with chatty people:)

What do i bring?: A chill guys whos always in for a chat, wont cause any trouble:P

Hope i can get whitelisted;)

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Age: 19

Hey there, i would like to join your server, i don't like griefing players, nice to see a server that has banned red/anti matter, also how did you get your plug ins to work, as i can not get them to work on mine, as i too would like to ban red/antimatter, and i have a friend who would also like to join with me, her IGN is Madcow_118

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Thank you, and i have a question, can i use a fusion/partial accelerator to make antimatter for energy usage, IE the Fulmination generator, or will i have to make do with just the fusion generator, i just want to know in advance before using the resources to make a partial accelerator and finding out it wont work?

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My IGN is Svenerator

Age 20

I like the little servers because they are less cluttered, it also feels more personal. I'm a pretty jolly guy and an I have average knowledge of voltz, I mainly played voltz normally but I'm kinda into the war aspect now, with bunkers and missiles etc.

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Thank you, and i have a question, can i use a fusion/partial accelerator to make antimatter for energy usage, IE the Fulmination generator, or will i have to make do with just the fusion generator, i just want to know in advance before using the resources to make a partial accelerator and finding out it wont work?

The only banned items as of now are anti matter, red matter, hyper sonic and sonic missiles and explosives. There may be more as people use them and how the server reacts.

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My IGN is Svenerator

Age 20

I like the little servers because they are less cluttered, it also feels more personal. I'm a pretty jolly guy and an I have average knowledge of voltz, I mainly played voltz normally but I'm kinda into the war aspect now, with bunkers and missiles etc.

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