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[1.3.9]Kentucky Fried Chocobo[PvP/New/WIP/Grief][# 20][Whitelist]


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Thank you!

Two things...

1. Did you accept my friends that i posted about in my application?

2. Whats the IP?

You can answer these questions by PM to me and i will be on my way!

No he can post an app under your Forum name though

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so how much exactly are you looking at for a donation? cause if it's like £50/$50 then im sorry but i cant do that but if its more along the lines of about £5/$5 or whatever then maybe i might be able to help...

thanks for accepting aswell

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Position: Player.

IGN: gawilliamson

Why KFC: I have been looking for a BigDig server that suites my taste. I know The major mods well and I have been on servers similar to this one. It has been troublesome for me to find a server like this so I would like to join you.

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Position: Builder and player

IGN: hpp19

Why KFC: Cause Im from Kentucky, love the name and playing minecraft. Ive searched for a new starting out server so that I could join it and make some epic build to get ppl interested. I love the mod big dig and Im hoping to be of help. I was a mod on a different server, no longer because I wasn't on for quite some time. So yeah, Hope I get to help and play! :)

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