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Ok, there are a ton of changes in this new tekkit, some are great! Some, however, are not quite equal to what they replace. For example, Rednet. The fact that you cant have a super compact system without the wires running into each other really bothers me. One thing that is really annoying though, is that you cant hook up a rednet cable to a block, and have a button/lever on the other side, and have a clean looking activation switch. Also, the lack of wireless redstone makes having a centeral control station almost impossible. The white/blackstone is great, but i cant make steps/decorations out of them like i could with rp microblocks. I understand that ic2 has been almost completely replaced, and thats ok, but there are so many functions of redpower, that i loved, that are no longer available. I understand that redpower updates extremely slowly, but it has always been one of my favorite mods (along with ee1) and i would like it returned.


I do miss the switches being more visually a part of the surroundings, like a lever on a block with redstone hidden behind; but RedNet totally allows for more compact setups than redstone ever did. With everything color-coded, you can run one wire instead of several!

I can't speak to wireless, as I've never used it. And I wouldn't be surprised if white/blackstone stairs eventually made an appearance. Patience.

Though you may find it has some minor aesthetic issues, RedNet is awesome! Have you watched this?

[EDIT: dang -- I forgot they (microblocks) were removed from NEI when I checked to see if they existed.]


Rp microblocks have been replaced with immibis microblocks, its pretty much the same thing, except without such a bad lighting glitch. The recipes arent in nei, apart from the saw. But they work just the same as rp2 blocks did.


Also, the lack of wireless redstone makes having a centeral control station almost impossible.

Wireless redstone will probably be added back in as soon as Chicken_bones updates it.

One thing that is really annoying though, is that you cant hook up a rednet cable to a block, and have a button/lever on the other side, and have a clean looking activation switch.

I could be wrong, but couldn't you just use a good old fashion redstone torch to get the same results.


It'll set up a not switch, but that can be reversed by doing what I did in the background - a bit of redstone on the ground, with a block in front of it.

Edit: Also - and I base this on almost no research - I believe the newest version of MCR will allow you to connect rednet cables directly to the back of blocks. So once Tekkit goes to 1.5.2, this shouldn't be an issue any more.


I understand that redpower updates extremely slowly, but it has always been one of my favorite mods (along with ee1) and i would like it returned.

redpower is pretty cool but sadly according to the redpower forums redpower will no longer be updated until the mod maker returns.

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