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I was watching the console as my tekkit pack was launching and I saw all these and im not sure if they matter or not if you guys could help it'd be great

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Atum missing - MFR Atum Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Biomes O' Plenty missing - MFR Biomes O' Plenty Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Chococraft is not available; MFR Chococraft Compat not loaded

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Forestry missing - MFR Forestry Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] IC2 missing - MFR IC2 Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Magical Crops missing - MFR Compat: Magical Crops not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Natura missing - MFR Natura Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] RedPowerWorld missing - MFR RedPower2 Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] SoulShards missing - MFR SoulShards Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Sufficient Biomes missing - MFR Sufficient Biomes Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Thaumcraft missing - MFR Thaumcraft Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] TConstruct missing - MFR TConstruct Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:10 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Twilight Forest missing - MFR Twilight Forest Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] XyCraft missing - MFR Xycraft Compat not loading

2013-06-11 12:22:30 [WARNING] [MMMPS-CLIENT] No powersuits keybind file found.



2013-06-11 12:23:17 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] LP Integration Disabled.

2013-06-11 12:23:17 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled.

2013-06-11 12:23:17 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled.

2013-06-11 12:23:18 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Better Storage Disabled.

2013-06-11 12:23:18 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] IC Integration Disabled.



2013-06-11 12:23:19 [WARNING] [MMMPS-CLIENT] Failed to get Thermal Expansion item energyFrameFull

2013-06-11 12:23:19 [WARNING] [MMMPS-CLIENT] Failed to get Thermal Expansion item teleportBase

if you guys could let me know if this is going to cause a problem it'd be great oh and btw the dots are lines that don't say warning or severe


The "Compat" ones are because Minefactory Reloaded checks for mods with compatibility. If it doesn't find the mod, the compatibility for that mod isn't activated. Same for the Integration, just with Applied Energistics.


  "theprolo said:
The "Compat" ones are because Minefactory Reloaded checks for mods with compatibility. If it doesn't find the mod, the compatibility for that mod isn't activated. Same for the Integration, just with Applied Energistics.

ok thanks and another problem ive run into is when I load a standard world the console says "2013-06-11 14:01:55 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 1155 to go!

2013-06-11 14:03:08 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?"

it only does this when I load a default world it doesn't when I do a superflat is my machine just not strong enough or what?


I also Have the problem [WARNING][MMMPS-CLIENT] FAiled to get Thermal Expansion Item energyFrameFull and

[WARNING][MMMPS-CLIENT] FAiled to get Thermal Expansion Item teleport base

If you have any idea why this is occurring i would be very grateful if you shared.

Posted · Hidden

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 246

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] Relaunched with correct memory

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 246

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Attempting relaunch with 3072 mb of RAM

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Path to Launcher Jar: C:\Users\User\Desktop\TechnicLauncher.exe

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of http://skins.technicpack.net/helm/bownsu/100, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Launcher took: 6986ms to start

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of , with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:45 [iNFO] Mod pack Build: 1.0.6 Minecraft Version: 1.5.1

2013/06/11 22:24:45 [iNFO] Minecraft: 1.5.1 md5: 5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567 use_patch: false

2013/06/11 22:24:45 [iNFO] Starting download of https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.5.1/1.5.1.jar, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:25:01 [iNFO] Maximum usable memory detected: 3700 mb

2013/06/11 22:25:50 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567 Calculated MD5: 5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567

2013/06/11 22:25:50 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/jinput.jar, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:25:52 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl.jar, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:25:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl_util.jar, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:01 [iNFO] Starting download of http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/windows_natives.jar, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:07 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 9406d7d376b131d20c5717ee9fd89a7f Calculated MD5: 9406d7d376b131d20c5717ee9fd89a7f

2013/06/11 22:26:08 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/basemods/basemods-tekkitmain-v1.0.2.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:23 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 842658e9a8a03c1210d563be1b7d09f5 Calculated MD5: 842658e9a8a03c1210d563be1b7d09f5

2013/06/11 22:26:23 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/balkonsweaponmod/balkonsweaponmod-v1.11.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:25 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 016bb3edb2fa11c7212fd4cf2504e260 Calculated MD5: 016bb3edb2fa11c7212fd4cf2504e260

2013/06/11 22:26:25 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/bspkrscore/bspkrscore-v1.5.1-2.02.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:27 [iNFO] Expected MD5: f1860265ad5b10e8b530128fbf3e7485 Calculated MD5: f1860265ad5b10e8b530128fbf3e7485

2013/06/11 22:26:27 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft/buildcraft-v3.5.0.tekkit.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:36 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 75f33bbe0816a46c6402c16067ef3b79 Calculated MD5: 75f33bbe0816a46c6402c16067ef3b79

2013/06/11 22:26:37 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/chickenchunks/chickenchunks-v1.3.2.5.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:38 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 866f8d7cfa37b6996b941fa28546b57f Calculated MD5: 866f8d7cfa37b6996b941fa28546b57f

2013/06/11 22:26:38 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/codechickencore/codechickencore-v0.8.6.1.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:42 [iNFO] Expected MD5: c3f91bfeee498f8e47916580f5d71246 Calculated MD5: c3f91bfeee498f8e47916580f5d71246

2013/06/11 22:26:42 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/computercraft/computercraft-v1.52.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:49 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b2b88de9b70175f13350c0935cc5a233 Calculated MD5: b2b88de9b70175f13350c0935cc5a233

2013/06/11 22:26:49 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/cofhcore/cofhcore-v1.5.1.5.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:53 [iNFO] Expected MD5: e6dea3d7888b4733ec09b119d8d97bb3 Calculated MD5: e6dea3d7888b4733ec09b119d8d97bb3

2013/06/11 22:26:53 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/customport/customport-v1.5.1.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:55 [iNFO] Expected MD5: f26769e07c6a6ed95fa9f957512f9877 Calculated MD5: f26769e07c6a6ed95fa9f957512f9877

2013/06/11 22:26:55 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/dimanchor/dimanchor-v54.0.0.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:56 [iNFO] Expected MD5: cabdc4058ef47be30df814723bf9e19b Calculated MD5: cabdc4058ef47be30df814723bf9e19b

2013/06/11 22:26:56 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ee3/ee3-vpre1g.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:01 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 981fdaa6f9beba252ba77da0f2940371 Calculated MD5: 981fdaa6f9beba252ba77da0f2940371

2013/06/11 22:27:01 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/enderstorage/enderstorage-v1.4.2.4.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:02 [iNFO] Expected MD5: bd79a02d56d72d3baec762582d8f39c6 Calculated MD5: bd79a02d56d72d3baec762582d8f39c6

2013/06/11 22:27:02 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/immibiscore/immibiscore-v54.0.2.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:05 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b97cf2ca0dffa3c688f7be960a598721 Calculated MD5: b97cf2ca0dffa3c688f7be960a598721

2013/06/11 22:27:05 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/inventorytweaks/inventorytweaks-v1.54b.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:06 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 5450a9731e43f1c3ce41daac5890e0af Calculated MD5: 5450a9731e43f1c3ce41daac5890e0af

2013/06/11 22:27:06 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ironchests/ironchests-v5.2.4.368.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:07 [iNFO] Expected MD5: de580b167c125566de2597c4eea3e22e Calculated MD5: de580b167c125566de2597c4eea3e22e

2013/06/11 22:27:07 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mfr/mfr-v2.5.4.665.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:15 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 57c8dafcc29b3468e63b8c448a5869e4 Calculated MD5: 57c8dafcc29b3468e63b8c448a5869e4

2013/06/11 22:27:15 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mystcraft/mystcraft-v0.10.3.00.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:25 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 3c8d5f3f9e0aa87aae00949f2d7689a7 Calculated MD5: 3c8d5f3f9e0aa87aae00949f2d7689a7

2013/06/11 22:27:25 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/nei/nei-v1.5.2.9.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:30 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b791cc7020b3847bcd065cb4fa1548fd Calculated MD5: b791cc7020b3847bcd065cb4fa1548fd

2013/06/11 22:27:30 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/nei-plugins/nei-plugins-v1.0.8.0.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Expected MD5: e78855866d9c55203af2df24eb95be28 Calculated MD5: e78855866d9c55203af2df24eb95be28

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/netherores/netherores-v2.1.3.60.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 6ef6e118b3d482176990f38891f2ac23 Calculated MD5: 6ef6e118b3d482176990f38891f2ac23

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/omnitools/omnitools-v3.1.2.0.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:33 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 3e8ba2f2803b35e5f35ad26a21fa8898 Calculated MD5: 3e8ba2f2803b35e5f35ad26a21fa8898

2013/06/11 22:27:33 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/openccsensors/openccsensors-v0.1.5.e.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:34 [iNFO] Expected MD5: ffb7d3afb1e819e3c1b073e777e5aa23 Calculated MD5: ffb7d3afb1e819e3c1b073e777e5aa23

2013/06/11 22:27:34 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/powercrystalscore/powercrystalscore-v1.1.3.90.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:35 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 81050c3bb18783dff273837885851c69 Calculated MD5: 81050c3bb18783dff273837885851c69

2013/06/11 22:27:35 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/reisminimap/reisminimap-v3.3_04.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:37 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 90f045d07d6d69ab6c21ea2f8e3a1d1e Calculated MD5: 90f045d07d6d69ab6c21ea2f8e3a1d1e

2013/06/11 22:27:37 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/thermalexpansion/thermalexpansion-v2.4.1.0_r2.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:44 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 65967ac4e9d73bb9ce934b305e979ea9 Calculated MD5: 65967ac4e9d73bb9ce934b305e979ea9

2013/06/11 22:27:44 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/applied-energistics/applied-energistics-v10.l.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:50 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 0fea4f581640a67c254493b5ccfce434 Calculated MD5: 0fea4f581640a67c254493b5ccfce434

2013/06/11 22:27:50 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/stevescarts/stevescarts-v2.0.0.a109.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 67dd10cb9742fc7a06c6e14ca79715bf Calculated MD5: 67dd10cb9742fc7a06c6e14ca79715bf

2013/06/11 22:27:59 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/dimensional-doors/dimensional-doors-v1.3.5.61.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:08 [iNFO] Expected MD5: c41ff2a39e5d60726d0e2ef5578fcd99 Calculated MD5: c41ff2a39e5d60726d0e2ef5578fcd99

2013/06/11 22:28:08 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ue-mps/ue-mps-v0.6.0.444.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:31 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b325605c3182addf9f09ddaa2f3d6c3e Calculated MD5: b325605c3182addf9f09ddaa2f3d6c3e

2013/06/11 22:28:31 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mpsaddons/mpsaddons-v0.2.3.110.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:32 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 39573a05d1729e5282b077509d332d3d Calculated MD5: 39573a05d1729e5282b077509d332d3d

2013/06/11 22:28:32 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/immibismicroblocks/immibismicroblocks-v54.0.9.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 6d405157f139890333063d715c02edc6 Calculated MD5: 6d405157f139890333063d715c02edc6

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/backpacks/backpacks-v1.7.8.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Expected MD5: ba4d07a1b46188b2d2015a8f1bdccf45 Calculated MD5: ba4d07a1b46188b2d2015a8f1bdccf45

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/treecapitator/treecapitator-v1.5.1.r01.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:36 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 9604c3b6fd68481960d15baac95d6fe3 Calculated MD5: 9604c3b6fd68481960d15baac95d6fe3

2013/06/11 22:28:36 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/z-tekkitmain-configs/z-tekkitmain-configs-v1.0.5.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:37 [iNFO] Expected MD5: bf1e08dd3da91d8f7292481fe20c9621 Calculated MD5: bf1e08dd3da91d8f7292481fe20c9621

2013/06/11 22:28:50 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/tradebooth/tradebooth-v0.3.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:50 [iNFO] Expected MD5: c47b58a70e54a9f04b950e54707ebf6c Calculated MD5: c47b58a70e54a9f04b950e54707ebf6c

2013/06/11 22:28:50 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft-additionalpipes/buildcraft-additionalpipes-v2.2.0.tekkit.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 658b98b68c95c1db2b9e3372c352a1ae Calculated MD5: 658b98b68c95c1db2b9e3372c352a1ae

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/anobsidianplate/anobsidianplate-v1.1.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Expected MD5: e22317cd3d941a850616dab17bb38ee6 Calculated MD5: e22317cd3d941a850616dab17bb38ee6

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/galacticraft/galacticraft-va0.1.34.186.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:29:19 [iNFO] Expected MD5: f1f52c313de1366630365011ad50a3eb Calculated MD5: f1f52c313de1366630365011ad50a3eb

2013/06/11 22:29:19 [iNFO] Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/gregslighting/gregslighting-v1.8.1.7.zip, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:29:20 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 66cf9121366c6478a2e24a65e8f08765 Calculated MD5: 66cf9121366c6478a2e24a65e8f08765

2013/06/11 22:29:22 [iNFO] Preloaded 0 classes in advance

2013/06/11 22:38:17 [iNFO] Args: []

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 249

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Attempting relaunch with 3072 mb of RAM

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Path to Launcher Jar: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.technic\temp.exe

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 249

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] Relaunched with correct memory

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:39:06 [iNFO] Loaded face

2013/06/11 22:39:10 [iNFO] Starting download of http://skins.technicpack.net/helm/bownsu/100, with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:39:11 [iNFO] Launcher took: 14793ms to start

2013/06/11 22:39:16 [iNFO] Preloaded 0 classes in advance

please help it does this every time


2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 246

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] Relaunched with correct memory

2013/06/11 22:24:23 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 246

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Attempting relaunch with 3072 mb of RAM

2013/06/11 22:24:20 [iNFO] Path to Launcher Jar: C:\Users\User\Desktop\TechnicLauncher.exe

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://skins.technicpack.net/helm/bownsu/100[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Launcher took: 6986ms to start

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:28 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:29 [iNFO] Starting download of [url][/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:24:45 [iNFO] Mod pack Build: 1.0.6 Minecraft Version: 1.5.1

2013/06/11 22:24:45 [iNFO] Minecraft: 1.5.1 md5: 5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567 use_patch: false

2013/06/11 22:24:45 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.5.1/1.5.1.jar[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:25:01 [iNFO] Maximum usable memory detected: 3700 mb

2013/06/11 22:25:50 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567 Calculated MD5: 5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567

2013/06/11 22:25:50 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/jinput.jar[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:25:52 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl.jar[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:25:59 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl_util.jar[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:01 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/windows_natives.jar[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:07 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 9406d7d376b131d20c5717ee9fd89a7f Calculated MD5: 9406d7d376b131d20c5717ee9fd89a7f

2013/06/11 22:26:08 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/basemods/basemods-tekkitmain-v1.0.2.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:23 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 842658e9a8a03c1210d563be1b7d09f5 Calculated MD5: 842658e9a8a03c1210d563be1b7d09f5

2013/06/11 22:26:23 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/balkonsweaponmod/balkonsweaponmod-v1.11.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:25 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 016bb3edb2fa11c7212fd4cf2504e260 Calculated MD5: 016bb3edb2fa11c7212fd4cf2504e260

2013/06/11 22:26:25 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/bspkrscore/bspkrscore-v1.5.1-2.02.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:27 [iNFO] Expected MD5: f1860265ad5b10e8b530128fbf3e7485 Calculated MD5: f1860265ad5b10e8b530128fbf3e7485

2013/06/11 22:26:27 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft/buildcraft-v3.5.0.tekkit.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:36 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 75f33bbe0816a46c6402c16067ef3b79 Calculated MD5: 75f33bbe0816a46c6402c16067ef3b79

2013/06/11 22:26:37 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/chickenchunks/chickenchunks-v1.3.2.5.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:38 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 866f8d7cfa37b6996b941fa28546b57f Calculated MD5: 866f8d7cfa37b6996b941fa28546b57f

2013/06/11 22:26:38 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/codechickencore/codechickencore-v0.8.6.1.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:42 [iNFO] Expected MD5: c3f91bfeee498f8e47916580f5d71246 Calculated MD5: c3f91bfeee498f8e47916580f5d71246

2013/06/11 22:26:42 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/computercraft/computercraft-v1.52.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:49 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b2b88de9b70175f13350c0935cc5a233 Calculated MD5: b2b88de9b70175f13350c0935cc5a233

2013/06/11 22:26:49 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/cofhcore/cofhcore-v1.5.1.5.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:53 [iNFO] Expected MD5: e6dea3d7888b4733ec09b119d8d97bb3 Calculated MD5: e6dea3d7888b4733ec09b119d8d97bb3

2013/06/11 22:26:53 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/customport/customport-v1.5.1.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:55 [iNFO] Expected MD5: f26769e07c6a6ed95fa9f957512f9877 Calculated MD5: f26769e07c6a6ed95fa9f957512f9877

2013/06/11 22:26:55 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/dimanchor/dimanchor-v54.0.0.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:26:56 [iNFO] Expected MD5: cabdc4058ef47be30df814723bf9e19b Calculated MD5: cabdc4058ef47be30df814723bf9e19b

2013/06/11 22:26:56 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ee3/ee3-vpre1g.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:01 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 981fdaa6f9beba252ba77da0f2940371 Calculated MD5: 981fdaa6f9beba252ba77da0f2940371

2013/06/11 22:27:01 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/enderstorage/enderstorage-v1.4.2.4.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:02 [iNFO] Expected MD5: bd79a02d56d72d3baec762582d8f39c6 Calculated MD5: bd79a02d56d72d3baec762582d8f39c6

2013/06/11 22:27:02 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/immibiscore/immibiscore-v54.0.2.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:05 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b97cf2ca0dffa3c688f7be960a598721 Calculated MD5: b97cf2ca0dffa3c688f7be960a598721

2013/06/11 22:27:05 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/inventorytweaks/inventorytweaks-v1.54b.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:06 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 5450a9731e43f1c3ce41daac5890e0af Calculated MD5: 5450a9731e43f1c3ce41daac5890e0af

2013/06/11 22:27:06 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ironchests/ironchests-v5.2.4.368.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:07 [iNFO] Expected MD5: de580b167c125566de2597c4eea3e22e Calculated MD5: de580b167c125566de2597c4eea3e22e

2013/06/11 22:27:07 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mfr/mfr-v2.5.4.665.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:15 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 57c8dafcc29b3468e63b8c448a5869e4 Calculated MD5: 57c8dafcc29b3468e63b8c448a5869e4

2013/06/11 22:27:15 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mystcraft/mystcraft-v0.10.3.00.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:25 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 3c8d5f3f9e0aa87aae00949f2d7689a7 Calculated MD5: 3c8d5f3f9e0aa87aae00949f2d7689a7

2013/06/11 22:27:25 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/nei/nei-v1.5.2.9.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:30 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b791cc7020b3847bcd065cb4fa1548fd Calculated MD5: b791cc7020b3847bcd065cb4fa1548fd

2013/06/11 22:27:30 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/nei-plugins/nei-plugins-v1.0.8.0.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Expected MD5: e78855866d9c55203af2df24eb95be28 Calculated MD5: e78855866d9c55203af2df24eb95be28

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/netherores/netherores-v2.1.3.60.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 6ef6e118b3d482176990f38891f2ac23 Calculated MD5: 6ef6e118b3d482176990f38891f2ac23

2013/06/11 22:27:32 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/omnitools/omnitools-v3.1.2.0.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:33 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 3e8ba2f2803b35e5f35ad26a21fa8898 Calculated MD5: 3e8ba2f2803b35e5f35ad26a21fa8898

2013/06/11 22:27:33 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/openccsensors/openccsensors-v0.1.5.e.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:34 [iNFO] Expected MD5: ffb7d3afb1e819e3c1b073e777e5aa23 Calculated MD5: ffb7d3afb1e819e3c1b073e777e5aa23

2013/06/11 22:27:34 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/powercrystalscore/powercrystalscore-v1.1.3.90.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:35 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 81050c3bb18783dff273837885851c69 Calculated MD5: 81050c3bb18783dff273837885851c69

2013/06/11 22:27:35 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/reisminimap/reisminimap-v3.3_04.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:37 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 90f045d07d6d69ab6c21ea2f8e3a1d1e Calculated MD5: 90f045d07d6d69ab6c21ea2f8e3a1d1e

2013/06/11 22:27:37 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/thermalexpansion/thermalexpansion-v2.4.1.0_r2.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:44 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 65967ac4e9d73bb9ce934b305e979ea9 Calculated MD5: 65967ac4e9d73bb9ce934b305e979ea9

2013/06/11 22:27:44 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/applied-energistics/applied-energistics-v10.l.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:50 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 0fea4f581640a67c254493b5ccfce434 Calculated MD5: 0fea4f581640a67c254493b5ccfce434

2013/06/11 22:27:50 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/stevescarts/stevescarts-v2.0.0.a109.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:27:59 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 67dd10cb9742fc7a06c6e14ca79715bf Calculated MD5: 67dd10cb9742fc7a06c6e14ca79715bf

2013/06/11 22:27:59 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/dimensional-doors/dimensional-doors-v1.3.5.61.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:08 [iNFO] Expected MD5: c41ff2a39e5d60726d0e2ef5578fcd99 Calculated MD5: c41ff2a39e5d60726d0e2ef5578fcd99

2013/06/11 22:28:08 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ue-mps/ue-mps-v0.6.0.444.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:31 [iNFO] Expected MD5: b325605c3182addf9f09ddaa2f3d6c3e Calculated MD5: b325605c3182addf9f09ddaa2f3d6c3e

2013/06/11 22:28:31 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mpsaddons/mpsaddons-v0.2.3.110.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:32 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 39573a05d1729e5282b077509d332d3d Calculated MD5: 39573a05d1729e5282b077509d332d3d

2013/06/11 22:28:32 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/immibismicroblocks/immibismicroblocks-v54.0.9.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 6d405157f139890333063d715c02edc6 Calculated MD5: 6d405157f139890333063d715c02edc6

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/backpacks/backpacks-v1.7.8.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Expected MD5: ba4d07a1b46188b2d2015a8f1bdccf45 Calculated MD5: ba4d07a1b46188b2d2015a8f1bdccf45

2013/06/11 22:28:35 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/treecapitator/treecapitator-v1.5.1.r01.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:36 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 9604c3b6fd68481960d15baac95d6fe3 Calculated MD5: 9604c3b6fd68481960d15baac95d6fe3

2013/06/11 22:28:36 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/z-tekkitmain-configs/z-tekkitmain-configs-v1.0.5.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:37 [iNFO] Expected MD5: bf1e08dd3da91d8f7292481fe20c9621 Calculated MD5: bf1e08dd3da91d8f7292481fe20c9621

2013/06/11 22:28:50 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/tradebooth/tradebooth-v0.3.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:50 [iNFO] Expected MD5: c47b58a70e54a9f04b950e54707ebf6c Calculated MD5: c47b58a70e54a9f04b950e54707ebf6c

2013/06/11 22:28:50 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft-additionalpipes/buildcraft-additionalpipes-v2.2.0.tekkit.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 658b98b68c95c1db2b9e3372c352a1ae Calculated MD5: 658b98b68c95c1db2b9e3372c352a1ae

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/anobsidianplate/anobsidianplate-v1.1.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Expected MD5: e22317cd3d941a850616dab17bb38ee6 Calculated MD5: e22317cd3d941a850616dab17bb38ee6

2013/06/11 22:28:52 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/galacticraft/galacticraft-va0.1.34.186.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:29:19 [iNFO] Expected MD5: f1f52c313de1366630365011ad50a3eb Calculated MD5: f1f52c313de1366630365011ad50a3eb

2013/06/11 22:29:19 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/gregslighting/gregslighting-v1.8.1.7.zip[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:29:20 [iNFO] Expected MD5: 66cf9121366c6478a2e24a65e8f08765 Calculated MD5: 66cf9121366c6478a2e24a65e8f08765

2013/06/11 22:29:22 [iNFO] Preloaded 0 classes in advance

2013/06/11 22:38:17 [iNFO] Args: []

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 249

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Attempting relaunch with 3072 mb of RAM

2013/06/11 22:38:55 [iNFO] Path to Launcher Jar: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\.technic\temp.exe

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting....

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 249

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] Relaunched with correct memory

2013/06/11 22:38:59 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters ---------

2013/06/11 22:39:06 [iNFO] Loaded face

2013/06/11 22:39:10 [iNFO] Starting download of [url]http://skins.technicpack.net/helm/bownsu/100[/url], with 3 tries remaining

2013/06/11 22:39:11 [iNFO] Launcher took: 14793ms to start

2013/06/11 22:39:16 [iNFO] Preloaded 0 classes in advance



Bownsu, get your own thread. Preferably in the Launcher bugs section. I'm not helping you if you just try to hijack someone else's thread.

Sorry Odjajuiceman, I have no idea about that error. It might be ignorable if it causes no problems.

Ok then Saunderskid, what are your PC specs, and how much memory are you allocating to Tekkit?


ok im running a 64 bit windows 8, I got 4 gigs of ram, amd e300 apu with radeon hd graphics 1.30 ghz. I just recently upgraded my java I didn't realize my os was 64 bit so I did the java thing which allows me to allocate more ram for the launcher im sitting at 3 gigs and it hasn't helped much. im confused on why my comp is having such trouble with minecraft when it will run skyrim just fine


Did you totally remove java before you reinstalled it? and which version did you install? This sounds like a java issue not a tekkit one all the warnings and shit you posted are ignorable. Also IDK what configs are changed but my console dosen't start when I launch tekkit, you may be trying to run an actual server at the same time you are running a client this would be your problem because it wants to allocate 3gigs to each. SSP "servers" are integrated with the client so they use a smaller footprint. I recommend backing up your world and re downloading everything.


  "TokiWartooth said:
Did you totally remove java before you reinstalled it? and which version did you install? This sounds like a java issue not a tekkit one all the warnings and shit you posted are ignorable. Also IDK what configs are changed but my console dosen't start when I launch tekkit, you may be trying to run an actual server at the same time you are running a client this would be your problem because it wants to allocate 3gigs to each. SSP "servers" are integrated with the client so they use a smaller footprint. I recommend backing up your world and re downloading everything.

yes I totally removed java first, and its the 64 bit windows 8 java, when I did that it allowed me to add up to 3 gigs for running tekkit instead of 1 gig for my old java. about the console I changed the settings so the console pops up so I can see what its doing otherwise I think it has frozen and exit it and retry to the same result so i just watch the console do its thing

about a server starting is there no way to stop it starting when i launch? id like to try to avoid redownloading everthing my bandwidth sucks 6 other people not including my self use the internet at my house it sucks


Hmmm, I have found that adding too much RAM can cause more problems then not having enough. Try just allocating 2 Gig of RAM in the launcher and see if that makes any difference at all.

A also have found that my anti-virus program sees Minecraft loading as a trojan/virus running on my computer and keeps trying to isolate it. I have to disable my anti-virus just long enough for Minecraft(Tekkit in this case) to load up to the main minecraft menu before re-enabling it. If I do not do this, the game takes 3 times longer to load and acts like I have almost no RAM available. Once the game is at the main menu, the anti-virus ignores it like it is supposed to. Give this a try once if you trust your network enough to go unprotected for even that long. It might help you as well.

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