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Technic (and general mod pack) Enhancement Ideas


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So I love these awesome mod packs as much as the next person. But when you start combining dozens of mods together, some things just don't work together so well. Voltz tried solving this problem with universal energy. But I feel like there needs to be some sort of Minecraft Modders Alliance where every modder "should" go to in order to work with other modders to make sure everyone is on the same page.

For instance. Why does every mod need their own Steel Ingot, or seven types of wire and pipes. Why not have a open and free encyclopedia of blocks and ores created by people and cooperate together to come up with something they can agree on. Then people like the Technic Platform can see these mods and require them to adhere to the MMA (Minecraft Modders Alliance) regulations. I know this might annoy people with bureaucracy and regulations. But c'mon people rules and regulations are there for a reason, so that the community can function much more seamlessly.

Secondly for Technic enhancements. When you're in the launcher, it would be awesome if there was a section for texture packs and shaders, so when you launch the game it automatically loads those as well.

And for another enhancement, when you want to "Add A Modpack" work with modpack makers to include a link to plug into the launcher that loads the modpack to the list. Same with the texture packs. So for instance I want to share modpack X with people on the Minecraft forums or my own website. I should be have a button that says "Load In Technic Launcher" which copies the mod link into the clipboard which you can then paste into the launcher.

And sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum.

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If you had seen the egos some of the modders display you would realise no such thing would ever work. I appreciate the work the modders do, but honestly I have never seen a more hostile bunch in any gaming community. Sad thing is we as the end users enable this behavior by not showing them the door.

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it would help a lot if mods recognize other mods having steel ingots or anything else already in, thats what the ore-dictionary is for, and automatically disable their own worldgen, so only the "iron" with lowest ID is kept.

mods know about their own block/items IDs, so this shouldn't be a big problem

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it would help a lot if mods recognize other mods having steel ingots or anything else already in, thats what the ore-dictionary is for, and automatically disable their own worldgen, so only the "iron" with lowest ID is kept.

mods know about their own block/items IDs, so this shouldn't be a big problem

Block/item IDs are going away with MC1.7, so that's a very short term fix if anything.

Ore gen disabling should be left to the person adding the mods to MC. It's just a small bit of effort and there are definitely cases where an automatic system like you propose would cause issues.

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Why do two major launchers exist? Why do modders not work together? Why am I crafting 3 different kinds of steel ingots? Because nobody gets paid, people are free to do their own thing, compatibility issues arise, redundancies arise.

Let's face it; vanilla minecraft was/is a mess of code and it is the base game upon which so much content has been built. The mods are doing far more than the creators of the vanilla game ever intended.

We should be grateful for what we get from people who are investing their personal time and energy on our behalf in return for peanuts. We get the spoils (and bug bears) without lifting a finger.

It would be nice if it were easier; but how? Pay the modders? How? Set up a player funded community that fascilitates cooperation and mod tailoring to a specific standard? Ok, I'll make the site with some expendable capital of my own, I can spare $5,000 initially; you guys get more money together, and we can begin to employ the most prolific modders with the best and biggest mods.

I know a brilliant pixel artist that could create the ultimate texture pack which would see compatibility with every single mod ever made. They can all work together and maintain the latest and best versions of their mods in accordance with a stringent yet open standard.

Birds fly above; the skies are blue and adorned by puffy white clouds. Drops of rain glitter in the sunlight, casting rainbows all around. The sweet scent of the green fields blows in the soft breeze bringing joy to all. Everybody lives happily ever after.

And when things go horribly wrong; we find someone to crucify. We then paint the endless landscape with blood and broken dreams.

Gamers are notoriously unstable, we would be at each others throats within 5 minutes and I would be wasting my money.

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