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Looking for Tekkit Servers like Yogscast's!

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So I've been looking high and low for a Tekkit server which, for lack of a better description in brief, is like that of the Yogscast. Oh, I've found plenty. But no one ever gets back to my wl apps or they're closed or they are riddled with banned items (which I can understand because there are a LOT of idiots out there).

So I'm making this thread on which people can post about said servers.

Here are the specs I am looking for:

NO banned items

NO factions

Preferably not much lag


Whitelist (Because that's always a nice extra precaution)


NO grief

NO raid

NO grief

Preferably not many members

I guess I should amend this last bit.

If you've seen some of the YC videos then you know that every now and then they have a little tiff, and that's great with me, but I don't want an anarchy or factions server.

In other words I want a nice, quiet server with a lot of great, mature people who love Tekkit and love building Tekkit stuff and I can build my lab and/or factory in lovely quiet. Perhaps I can make some vids on this server.

Please get back to me soon with this format:

Your server's name and ip

A bit about the server (how many people play, etc.)

Preferred format for the whitelist app

I will post the whitelist app here unless you want to link me a page unless you prefer otherwise.


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Last Active Sep 11 2014 02:45 PM

is what it shows on their profile page - so they may actually see this (but its been almost a year, doubt they may still be looking, but who knows)



Also @Mods - was there no server section, or is this thread not originally material for a server section?

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