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Transmutation Tablet - Doesn't Work Full Stop



Launcher/pack Version: v0.5.4.9/ Tekkit v2.1.0

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)

Version of Java: 1.7 u3 (64-bit)

Description of Problem: On my friend's server specifically, the transmutation tables in the EE mod (both the block and the item) do not seem to work with ANY of my items. It was not there all the time, and I'm not sure why it's happening, but whenever I try putting something like torches or red matter (or anything for that matter) into the machine, it dumps them somewhere nearby. I've made sure they're not like BuildCraft items which are incompatible. These items are things like dirt, things which've been working before. I haven't checked if the problem persists on any other servers, but Tekkit single-player seems to handle the tablets fine. I've also gone to the step of deleting my .dat file from the server, but the problem did not fix itself. Finally, Google did not help. And you know what happens if Google can't help you.

Error Messages: Absolutely no messages.

Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/xnqdsRed

Please help me. :(

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Sorry if this is unrelated, but does anyone know if the Multiverse Plugin may also cause conflicts with Teleport Pipes & Diamond Transport Pipes? Having a strange issue with items not routing properly and teleport pipes not staying connected. I will look into converting to a different multi-world plugin. Thanks for the tips!

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I'm having a similar issue as well. Putting in anything at the left side does nothing, the "learned" message doesn't pop up nor is any emc given. Only way to get emc is to put a fuel item into the burning slot, this gives emc but the items on the right side doesn't show up. If you leave the tablet and go back I will see some items I can get for the emc but I can only click on it once, then the item disappears and I have to close and open it again to be able to pick the same item.

Tried to remove the file in /data but didn't work.

Here's my server log:


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Issue isnt with Multiverse, or any other worldplugin, the error is in EE and how it calculates certain stuff. When you throw in more worlds, due to how EE calculates those worlds, some of them get "skipped" and the result is that some worlds just wont have working tablets etc.

One easy solution is to add one and one world untill your operating worlds all have working tablets, a more complex one is to change EE itselfe (thats a totally different story). Changing worldplugin etc etc wont really sort anything.

Also EE have some errors in the code from transmutation, where items seems to not be able to be taken out (its a visual bug). Just click the outputslot, you should get items even if you dont see any. Most common issue with this is when there are matter inside of it, and trying to add fuel.

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Yeah @Nixsy fix worked for me too. I have having the same problem, and getting negative EMC too. Down grading worked, and I would just like to mention I am using the most up to date MultiWorld plugin and EE2ServerV1.4.6.5-bukkit-mcpc-1.2.5-r3.zip and its working fine. The link to the file EE2ServerV1.4.6.5-bukkit-mcpc-1.2.5-r3.zip is below for people that are lazy and cant be bothered to find it ;)


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