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(0.6.5) The Factory Craft (No White-List)(55 Slots)(PvP [But no griefing])


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                                 WE ARE BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The Factory Craft


                   We Have No Banned Items!!

                                                                             We Use Trade-O-Mats to sell!!                        


We are a new server and our main purpose is BUILDING FACTORIES we are also need of staff of 10 admins 1 co-owner & 3 hub watchers we currently have a dimensional door hub if you need a spot to your factory contact a spawn member because every factory will have the privilege of having one! built and would like to get that up as soon as possible I accept skype calls (gaming4lifeak) and need staff as quickly as possible!




Rules                                                                                              Rules                                                                                                                                               Rules


1. Pvp No Griefing and no killing at spawn (Ban)

2.Please Keep Language PG-13 (Temp Ban (7 days))

3. No killing any staff at all (kick)

4. you may only use farm town once in a while

5.No Stealing

Info                                                                                                 Info                                                                                                                                                      Info


1.Server will be turned off if a staff member isn't on

2. If you need shelter,wood,temp machine use, and food, ask me and i will show you a place called farm town (you may NOT take items from there we have a rule that you can only use farm town once in a while

Edited by themodpackbuilder
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