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[1.2.10c] Modbot's Tekkit [Open][30 slots][No-grief][PvE][PvP][DD removed][24/7]

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Posted (edited)

Name: IGN : Froste1 / IRL : Leny or norman

Age: 14 ( Edited sorry ^^ )

Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) no but i can reinstall it

Experience being staff? in garrys mod in minecraft some other games

Current rank on server? Builder near to cityzen

Why do you want to be staff? Help the server and all players

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? i dont remember all plugin name but i know very very much command like an admin

there you go bye bye <3<3

Edited by froste1

Modbot Patch Notes!


- 2129 banned ( redpower crash )

- Players given essentials.realname perms

- Removed Chestshop ( nobody uses it )

- Removed Chatex ( wasnt used )

- Upgraded Coreprotect

Posted (edited)

Name: Technic: creeperfarmer20 IGN: creeperfarmer20

Age: 16

Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) no

Experience being staff? 5 times

Current rank on server? builder

Why do you want to be staff? to help players

What staff/mod related plugins do you know?  alot

Edited by creeperfarmer20
Posted (edited)

The server has been crashing every time more then one player logs on since 4:50 PM EST today, before that the minecraft Session and Login servers went down for a few minutes. I'm not sure what's going on. Send help Please!

Edited by Crimson_Eclipse
Posted (edited)
  On 3/26/2014 at 9:21 PM, Crimson_Eclipse said:

The server has been crashing every time more then one player logs on since 4:50 PM EST today, before that the minecraft Session and Login servers went down for a few minutes. I'm not sure what's going on. Send help Please!


Hello!  In case you haven't noticed, many servers are currently down and crashing!  This is a result of a bug in Spigot (which was adopted by MCPC+) which caused server ticks to go negative and break a lot of stuff a little while ago.  This has been fixed by MCPC+ already, so if your server host has not already provided an updated server, please use this one:  http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus-164/

Neither we nor Mojang have anything to do with this issue, nor can we help aside from pointing you to the right place, but we hope all your servers find their way back to working condition soon!  Best of luck! - Canvox


Its everyone XD, and for the record i fixed it relatively quickly.

Edited by TetraD
  On 3/30/2014 at 12:39 AM, creeperfarmer20 said:

is the server down or something i havnt been able to get on for 30-40 minutes :(


Looks good to me.


Guys. The server has been crashing all day. Please fix it. So everyone can play. or i will eat :google:



Name: blueskyseker

Age: 41

Skype: Yes. Voice Yes. I use Raid Call as well.

Experience being staff? Yes Mod and admin on prison server in past.

Current Rank on Server? Elite

Why do you want to be staff? I enjoy helping the other players as well as the server. if the server users are happy every one can enjoy playing. plus it helps to learn even more then I all ready know. (you CAN teach an old dog new tricks).I personally like to see It when there are people to help out those that are confused or stuck.

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? I would say I know only the basic plugins, but with my 15+ years in computers I all ways like to learn more.

What is your availability for a staff position? currently I play early morning. Then again in the after noon.

What is your time zone? PDT Pacific Daylight time.


Name: IGN : Froste1 / IRL : Leny or norman

Age: 14 ( Edited sorry ^^ )

Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) no but i can reinstall it

Experience being staff? in garrys mod in minecraft some other games

Current rank on server? Builder near to cityzen

Why do you want to be staff? Help the server and all players

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? i dont remember all plugin name but i know very very much command like an admin

there you go bye bye <3<3

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Well, i have to get this out there, i had a Tekkit server before a long time ago when RedPower2 was still in and EE2 and such, but the new Tekkit has more to it then before, but never the less i think this needs to be known. My server was experiencing the same thing yours is now, high TPS, crashing every 5-20 minutes, internal errors, long start up times...ect. ect., no matter what we tried it still kept doing it. Then we finally figured out what was wrong, the servers actual Hard Drive itself was corrupting and failing, in the end we had to replace the hard drive of the server outright, we backed every ones player data up and transferred it over.and it was fine after that. I truly hope it is something else and that this isn't happening to the server, but i would strongly suggest looking into it.

Edited by Crimson_Eclipse



Skype: yes/no (speech interview required)no but i got steam

Experience being staff?yes over 5 times

Current rank on server?citizen

Why do you want to be staff?to help others

What staff/mod related plugins do you know?worldedit ect ect ect

Posted (edited)

Name: _CrimsonEclipse_
Age: 24

Skype yes/no ( speech interview required)? Yes i have Skype, Mumble, TS3, Raidcall, and Steam

Experience being staff? Yes, i have ran Tekkit and Feed The Beast servers before.
Current Rank on server? Trusted

Why do you want to be staff? To help the server and players of the server, i love to help others out.

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? WorldEdit, WorldGuard, TekkitCustomiser, I know Bukkit console and i'm able to edit files if needed, TekkitRestrict, I know others but i can't remember their names right now, but i'm willing to learn more if need be.

Time zone? Eastern Standard Time
Playing times? nearly all day long all week long.

Edited by Crimson_Eclipse
Posted (edited)

Name: Jbreed


Age: 19


Skype: jbreed101 ("jbreed<3's u)


Current rank on server: Novice


Experience: I have been Owner, and Co-Owner of many servers, I have also been helper and friend ranks on other friends servers such as, moderator, admin, chat admin, Ordeals Manager, and various other random ranks to deal with things on the server, I am very helpful I know how to take care of problems that are occurring on the server such as racism, sexism, server lag, helping new members with questions on the modpack, and in general I can almost be helpful in any situation.


Why I would like to be staff: I would love to be staff member on this server because it is amazing I love playing it and am online a lot, if I am not online tis cause im sleeping or have left the house but when im back I get right back on :) And I would really love to help out on this server :)


Mods/Plugin knowledge: I know how to use GriefPrevention, Essentials, EssentialsChat, GroupManager, Rankup, Factions, Towny, SignEdit,  WorldGuard, WorldEdit, ChatProtect, MotdManager, BanItem, MobCash, and many many more plugins that's a small summary of what I know how to deal with thanks for checking this out and taking time to read this post :)

Edited by jbreedyolo


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