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Just decided to give the new server a go and noticed there is no coremods (i can see its all in mods now) but also no bukkitforge 1.6.5 only 1.5.2. Since its not there I can find a way to use bukkit plugins like I used to. 


Is there a workaround to run bukkit plugins again?

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As of Minecraft 1.6, mods and coremods go in the same folder, so no problem there.

As for Bukkit, use MCPC+.  It has bukkit and forge built in.  I can't give you the link as I use the standard server software myself, but I'm sure you could find it if you google MCPC+.

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Just an FYI, since I also use MCPC+. If you want to use Dynmap, make sure you grab the forge version, NOT the bukkit version (This is the one I use with tekkit 1.2.6). There is a bukkit plugin for integration with the forge version, things like permissions, etc. You can find it here: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/dynmapcbbridge

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just to add to that the dynmap forge goes in your mods (on the server only, clients do not need this) folder and the dynmap-cbbridge goes in your plugins folder; however you only need the cbbridge if you want to show things like residences, citizens and other bukkit replated dynmap plugins 

Edited by TonyVS
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dynmap has commands

[iNFO] Valid subcommands: add-id-for-ip cancelrender del-id-for-ip fullrender hide ids-for-ip ips-for-id pause purgemap purgequeue purgeworld quiet radiusrender render resetstats sendtoweb show stats triggerstats updaterender version webregister

Among which, I want to give perms to my users for things like webregister, etc ( I have chatting without registration off)

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