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Tips to improve my B-Team server


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Hi Guys,


I'm running a (rented) server with Attack Of The B-Team.
However, it can get really laggy and occasionally goes down.


I'm wondering if there any tips & tricks you have for me to improve the quality?

Perhaps there are third-party mods or extensions that I could install to aid the server (for instance: check all dropped items and remove them,...)


I'm using Nitrado as my hosting provider.



Many thanks in advance!




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Things that I would try, increase the amount of ram, decrease players slots (only if frequently full), change the config files to keep fewer chunks acitive near players, potentially disabling the end, unless it is used frequently, and turning down general settings. Potentially putting optifine on... Just some suggestions.

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I've got 6gig RAM running on it.

Can you tell me where I need to check in the config file for things like these active chunks (etc)?


I'd stay away from Optifine, since it's not compatible with all of the available mods :-)


Thanks for your advice!

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Getting something like MCPC+ can also help - it'll shut down places like the end if no-ones in them until they arrive there, and it does some distant entity cleanup stuff by default without any plugins (the main reason you usually use it is to get access to plugins, but it can be useful in its own right).

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Getting something like MCPC+ can also help - it'll shut down places like the end if no-ones in them until they arrive there, and it does some distant entity cleanup stuff by default without any plugins (the main reason you usually use it is to get access to plugins, but it can be useful in its own right).


That looks like something I can really use!

Can you tell me how to install this on my B-Team server? (do players also need to install this?)

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How did I forget Opis?  That's essential (I hadn't installed that on my current server yet).  Remember you don't need Opis for everything - /forge tps or /cofh tps will give you current tick information on a world scale, but opis will help you pinpoint it if there's a problem.


I also add -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote in my launch.bat batch file so I can use VisualVM to see how much actual memory and cpu cycles certain threads are using, sometimes this can point you to a mod as being a heavy memory or CPU user (though CPU use reflects itself in ticks within opis usually).

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