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Oh sweet lord all mighty, I am siting in a stew pot filled with pure, un-adultrated, absolute, blind, RAGE! The REAL Asshat Prima Donnas of Minecraft are those infernal children on the MCF boards. I wish I could trow them into a compressor and turn them all into one hyper compact cube, grind it up into chili and feed it to their collective parents and/or guardians! The infernal treatment they have toward the English language would make Miriam Webster do a 360 off the lip of a half pipe in her grave. The infernal "No Pics, No clicks" mantra makes them looks like a bunch of scared, dis-trusting numb-nutted cowards who are oblivious to the god-powers of Photo shop! God, every time I attempt to find a halfway decent mod to test on those demonic, wolf-hating, forums I find myself howling in crazed lunatic fury! There should not be a place like that, where gimp-suit wearing, Emo-Bee loving, wolf torturing, dong hating, assholes can gather and release noxious douche-bag fumes! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Am I just too aggressive for my own good, or is it that I'm entirely right and I have yet to find like minded individuals? Anyone?


Oh sweet lord all mighty, I am siting in a stew pot filled with pure, un-adultrated, absolute, blind, RAGE! The REAL Asshat Prima Donnas of Minecraft are those infernal children on the MCF boards. I wish I could trow them into a compressor and turn them all into one hyper compact cube, grind it up into chili and feed it to their collective parents and/or guardians! The infernal treatment they have toward the English language would make Miriam Webster do a 360 off the lip of a half pipe in her grave. The infernal "No Pics, No clicks" mantra makes them looks like a bunch of scared, dis-trusting numb-nutted cowards who are oblivious to the god-powers of Photo shop! God, every time I attempt to find a halfway decent mod to test on those demonic, wolf-hating, forums I find myself howling in crazed lunatic fury! There should not be a place like that, where gimp-suit wearing, Emo-Bee loving, wolf torturing, dong hating, assholes can gather and release noxious douche-bag fumes! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Am I just too aggressive for my own good, or is it that I'm entirely right and I have yet to find like minded individuals? Anyone?

you are entirely right, the modding discussion board has turned into the board where you post, "PLZ HALP, MAH MODS NO WRK!1!111!!!11", and, "I has texture for mod, CAN YOUZ MAKES IT?!?!?!?!?". Honestly, the level of idiocracy over the whole forum is sickening. There was this one idiot that was like "can someone make a mod that adds graphics like the minecraft 2 commercial to minecraft?!?!?!?!" So i told them that it was impossible, and would destroy the rendering engine, and then they were like "NAO IT CAN BE DONE U NEVER TRIED HAVE YOU?!?!?!?!", so of course i had to rip them to shreds, and they still were like, "IF IT IS SO IMPOSSIBLE, THEN WHY R THERE SHADER MODS?!?!?!?" and then this other person came and called them an idiot and called me right, and shut them right up. This was a true stroy, i will try to find the thread if i can.


Thank you for agreeing with me, I needed to get this frustration out and this seemed to be the best place to do that. I feel a little better now, kinda like you do after a primal scream.


As long as 'teh interwebs' exists, there will always be complete airheads minging around looking for a free pass to whatever. Internet fame is the usual culprit. I love the fact that guy thought he could just grab a bunch of coders to do things for him. He couldn't even post a working video link.

That's why I love this place, the whole sardonic attitude to everything. Pudding Huxtable's sticky is a rather good read. (tl;dr This place ain't Yogforums, these people will raep you)

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