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Hey I want to organize a group to start A tekkit youtube series

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Copy and paste this format in the description. (a little FYI i'm 11 but my mic makes me sound like a 7 year old squeaker lol XD :P)




Age (at least nine):


Recording Program (you have to have one to join in):


Skype (if you don't have it fine but it would be great if you do):


Why you think you should be picked over others (2 sentences):


Your experience w/tekkit (1/100):


How many sub's?:


You must have a youtube channel! do you?:


Channel Link:


What will your factory name be? if you want to be with somebody else say there(s) IGN and say your factory name ( you may decide to be with somebody else later on):




My example!


 Age (at least nine): 11


Recording Program (you have to have one to join in): bandicam unregistered (it is ok if you don't have full of yours)


Skype (if you don't have it fine but it would be great if you do): gaming4lifeak


Why you think you should be picked over others (2 sentences): I think i should be picked over others because i am nice, trustworthy, happy, and funny. Derp! I have ran my own public tekkit servers with some 20 people on at a time so i am experienced.


Your experience w/tekkit (1/100): 80 (be honest please)


How many sub's?: 8


You must have a youtube channel! do you?: Yes


Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgNEjYfY2KoX-Tkpl34xXxA/videos

What will your factory name be? if you want to be with somebody else say there(s) IGN and say your factory name ( you may decide to be with somebody else later on): Mineral & Farm's Inc
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Yes but I do not really want to say until I talk to you in Tekkit. Like in the chat.


I think I should be picked over others because I am funny and also know what I am doing and I do not just completely mess around.  Also I really love to play Tekkit more than others.


90 (I love Tekkit)


Subs: 9

(Also I have over 1,000 views on one of my videos and the screen capturing program I use now is not laggy like in the video!)






Gold Inc.  Maybe one of my friend do not know yet...

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Recording Program:Bandicam unregistered(Is it possible, if you do accept me, to not have me record that much because I dont have that good of a computer)




I should be picked because I am a good worker and I am nice and funny. Also not many people have replyed to this and I can get a few of my friends on.


My experience in tekkit:30




Youtube channel: Yes


Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJJ3YNua9RMVsve8YyCuKZw/feed


Factory name:Blackstar Inc.

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IGN:jazzysniper (I know it's cr*p but when the name change update comes, I'll change it to Cookie_Monster)

Age: 13

Recording Program: Bandicam unregistered (Haven't had it for very long, so please bear with me!)

Skype: Not yet, but I will set one up for myself ASAP

I should be picked because I am funny and confident and I am always happy to lend a hand with anything. Also, I am quite talkative, which would be good for a YT Series

My experience in Tekkit: 20-30

youtube Channel: Yes

Subs: 0 :(

Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCws0_rzjP9hHHgDjbGMBx1Q

Factory Name: Stuff 4 You Inc.

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