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My friend cant Connect


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I have made a tekkit server using hamachi and my friend cant connect to my server. He is in my hamachi room and we have both updated our java's and he still cant connect.

Then your friend needs to post a bug report so that we have some clue what you guys are doing wrong.
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Well, I am not that familiar with hamachi, but if that doesn't work, it looks like you have two choices. Either try some other VPN program, or just port forward. I would go with port forwarding, personally. I do it all the time and it takes like 10 seconds. There are plenty of guides online (and even entire websites) dedicated to helping people in your situation.

But Jay? has a point, here. If there is nothing wrong with Tekkit, then why are you posting on the Tekkit forums? It seems to me like the issue has nothing to do with Tekkit, but rather one (or both) of your connections. Or maybe one of you is using the incorrect version of tekkit? The server uses 2.1.1, maybe he updated to 3.0? More info from you would really help us help you, mate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its easy to port forward but I am connected through 2 routers and portforwarding 2 routers is quite hard compared to normal port forwarding. Thanks for the suggestions though.

server.properties, server-ip= hamachi ip

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Its easy to port forward but I am connected through 2 routers and portforwarding 2 routers is quite hard compared to normal port forwarding. Thanks for the suggestions though.

Are we talking 2 routers as in 1 main network router and a repeater or two separate networks (one within the other)?

I'm not Mr. Networking but where there's a will, there's a way, mate.

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