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Can I add two furniture mods to my Tekikit install?


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Optifine does work if you use the correct version, although I could not detect a performance boost. It is nice to have options to crank up the graphics, though.

When adding block mods, beware of ID conflicts.

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Okay, thanks. I installed Optifine HD for Minecraft 1.6.4. Also, is there an easy way to check if there are ID conflcits between Tekkit and Bibliocraft and MFM? I looked for the items using Nei and the new items were there...


Edit: I found IdFix Minus (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1928632-164smpforge-idfix-and-idfix-minus-mods-for-resolving-id-conflicts), a mod that fixes mod conflicts. Is it safe to use?

Edited by dreamer1986
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You download the latest Bibliocraft Version for Minecraft 1.6.4, then you put it in the.technicmodpackstekkitmainmods folder. Then it loads automatically.


But does anyone know if the IdFix Minus mod I mentioned above works for fixing conflicts between Tekkit and the mods I mentioned?

Edited by dreamer1986
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If the game starts without issue, you have no ID conflicts. It may be that some mods can be added safely without even causing them, as seems to be the case here.

ID-Fix tools can introduce more problems than they solve, so be careful with them. As a rule, don't fix it if it isn't broken.


What you should do is make frequent backups of your world, especially when tinkering with additional mods. Sometimes they will break stuff, and having a fallback copy of your world is highly recommended even during normal play. There are quite a few hard-to-fix issues with world files.

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