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Modular Power Suit Loadouts


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As I've seen a few threads regarding MPS I thought I'd share my own loadout for future reference and provide a place for others to do the same.




Energy Shield - Maximum

Solar Generator

High Efficiency Solar Generator (I'm unsure if they stack but the regular one doesn't weigh anything)

Water Electrolyzer

Radiation Shielding

Airtight Seal

Autofeeder - Maximum

Night Vision

Flight Control - 0%




Energy Shield - Maximum

Heat Sink - Maximum

Elite Battery - Maximum



Jetpack - Maximum

Cooling System - Maximum

Radiation Shielding

Water Tank - Minimum Size, 75% Activation




Energy Shield - Maximum

Heat Sink - 4.69kg (This balances out the HE Solar and Radiation Shielding)

Kinetic Generator - Maximum

Sprint Assist - All maximum

Jump Assist - Minimum Power, Maximum Compensation (I don't usually need it since I fly)

Swim Boost - Maximum

Uphill Step Assist

Radiation Shielding




Energy Shield - Maximum

Shock Absorber - Maximum

Radiation Shielding




Axe - Maximum

Pickaxe - Maximum

Shovel - Maximum

Shears - Maximum

Lux Capacitor (All blue :) )

Prototype Omniwrench (This doesn't seem to remove some items now but still useful for rotating)

Leaf Blower - Maximum

Flint and Steel

Applied Energistics Wireless Terminal

Thermal Expansion Multimeter

Field Tinker Module

Diamond Drill Upgrade

Aqua Affinity - Maximum

Melee Assist - Maximum

Railgun - 20 Heat Emission

Blink Drive - Maximum


The whole suit comes in either right at or stupidly close to 25kg, which is the author's stated weight limit before you become a turtle :P

Edited by Digdug83
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Does the Gauntlet count into the weight limit?

It seems to have some interaction, especially in the overheating area. My experience with MPS so far is disappointing in both the number and severity of bugs, and I also heavily dislike the design. I will probably only use MPS again when it moves to a more plausible and less arbitrary system.

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Yes it can affect the total weight, although the only thing on there that has any weight is the battery so usually it's a non-issue. Typically my only overheating problems occur when I go nuts with my railgun as even at 66% output it can still build heat in a hurry, even with the two heat sinks I have installed.


It's unfortunate that you've experienced so many bugs. I've always found the mod to be pretty stable overall but user experiences vary I suppose. I actually really like how he implemented everything. The amount of customization is incredible and it just fits so perfectly with the modpack's theme. I couldn't imagine Tekkit without MPS :(

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That's my gripe. It's too much customization, the interface is beyond clunky and there is zero explanation about any of the (complex) concepts. I contrast this with the very good Thermal Expansion, which offers visual clues about most of its core concepts and can actually be fun to figure out on your own. Figuring out MPS is a pain in the backside, and just when you think you got it, you get shot down by a bug.

I appreciate the effort that went into the mod, but that coder really needs to learn a few things about visual design in gaming, and bringing your concepts across. Not even to mention stabilizing your code before you pile features on top. I have pretty much the same gripes with Galacticraft. Those two stick out like sore thumbs between the higher-quality mods.


I add this not just to rant, but because I think having to compare loadouts in the first place is an effect of the bugs and bad design.

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my tips for this loadout:


the HE solar generator is known to make some troubles so I would salvage this. (especially in hot environments, e.g. deserts or the nether)


I wouldn't use a battery at all (saves weight) instead a resonant energy cell will give you 5M for your suit and can easily be charged by your reactor.

if you charge your cells externally, you also won't need the kinetic generator...


This sould make you run around like crazy.


Btw. does the radiation shielding work now? (last time I tried I nearly killed myself holding a bit yellowcake)

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Btw. does the radiation shielding work now? (last time I tried I nearly killed myself holding a bit yellowcake)

It does not. I don't think we had any MPS updates since the 1.6.4 jump.

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Poor Digdug83 - this thread has gone way off topic and I am going to continue that arc myself.  My apologies.


I agree with Curunir's thoughts about the mod almost completely.  Yes it is not ergonomic.  Yes it is a bit buggy.


However - it does have its tremendous uses so the question of utility or value is up to the individual at this point.  I find all the utilities in the glove to be invaluable - especially the wireless terminal while in base.  I find the glove to be fantastic when I am mining in the Nether for Nether Quartz or Glow Stone.  I can't tell how many times I've saved my life from fall damage due to the Shock Absorbers.  Being able to swim and work relatively quicky underwater and be able to see as clearly as the game allows with Night Vision is tremendously helpful.  The Rail Gun is hands down the most potent weapon in Tekkit.  When all shielded up one is all but invincible.  When the cooling is max out an accidental dip into lava in the Nether isn't a disaster.  If one is configured properly the flying is extraordinarily fast.


All this for the cost of one space (or two spaces if using a power cell for power) on the hot bar.  Not bad.  Yes it has all the failings enumerated.  But on the whole - there's nothing in the game that comes close to its versitility and (mostly) ease of use.  Everyone's mileage will vary balancing usefulness versus bugginess/lack of instruction


But this is all opinion, which we all know what that's worth! ;)


Apologies again to Digdug83 for not contributing what he had asked for in the OP.





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This is not off-topic, in my opinion. The thread has its merits, I just wanted to drop the criticism here, so that people know up front what they're dealing with. I do think that MPS has its place in Tekkit, and comparing loadouts is useful. It's always a tradeoff, and there are basically no wrong choices in a sandbox game. I do favour a combination of enchanted Diamond Armour and Simply Jetpacks, which is nearly on MPS level in terms of power/utility, just not quite there - but it's way safer to use.

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I actually never stated this was only for loadouts (not that it would have stopped anyone :) ) so I don't mind Slimenume. Not getting upset at thread detours is internet 101 stuff lol.

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Just to make sure there are no bruised feelings, I did not mean to cast guilt upon any of the other posters.  I did mean to offer a mea culpa for what can be thought of as improper behavior on my part.  But I see that Digdug83 was not troubled - he's very easy going (I'm assuming that's a he behind that screen name!).  I apologize to Curunir if I cast any aspersions upon you - not my intent.  You are correct that you did bring relevant and useful information to the topic being discussed.





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Good to know.  I'll check out the terms of use to make sure I won't make any more errors.  I thought the rule meant "sig" bars and the like.  It never occured to me that the rule referred to the social custom of closing with salutations.  So much for not paying close attention!


Thanks for the heads up!

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