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Fast way to pump items out of the chest


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Hello guys,


I'm looking for a solution to my slow autarchic gate pumping, It simply cannot keep up with the quarry. I have a filter setup with pulverizers and furnaces and I need something other then combustion engines for fast item pumping (something that can run forever and doesn't need any maintenance). I'm not too familiar with the logistics pipes, never bothered to use em.. should I, and will it work with them? Also I read somewhere that powered wooden pipe can transfer items really really fast but can/will explode?


Thanks in advance!

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TE has some kind of tubes that can extract entire stacks of items you can wrench them to extraction mode and use some kind of redstone signal to activate them (or use a pneumatic servo and set the signal in the configuration of the pipe)


My tip is, work your way into AE and setup a me-network, this handles items very well...

the only downside of me-networks is, that it's not early game equip, more mid till endgame...

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Don't use Buildcraft pipes unless you have a specific reason to. Thermal Expansion Itemducts can extract at just about the speed a fully-powered Quarry harvests items. It can still clog up when too many different blocks are harvested in a short amount of time, in which case you either use a sufficiently large buffer chest (Reinforced Strongbox should be plenty) or invest some Glowstone for Impulse Itemducts. That is all assuming you do have enough storage at the other end of the pipe to take all those blocks.


Alternatively, Extra Utilities Item Transfer Nodes (along with Extra Utilities pipes, of course) can be accelerated with speed upgrades to pull insane amounts of items.


An ME network is a solution for such a time when you can throw thousands of Quartz at the problem. Usually this is after you main quarrying phase - unless you really like quarrying.

Edited by Curunir
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I use an ME system ofc, (if the gate cannot keep up with the incoming items where do you think I store em) and I use a large buffer chest.. I only have the BC pipes coz of the diamond transport pipe which I use as a filter.


All my filtering/pulverizers and furnaces are crammed into a small room.. so idk if I can use different pipes w/o having to expand the room.



Edited by Gomo
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You can configure a Precision Import Bus to extract stacks instead of single items (not sure if basic allows it, too). I don't see why you should need anything else.

And for sorting, Itemducts with Pneumatic Servos are about as compact as it gets. Use Microblock Covers to separate neighbouring lines if necessary.

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Import bus which you can see on the pic is set to extract stacks (but that is for the ingots that have already been cooked). I had a problem in "incoming tesseract -> chest" area.. you can't use the bus to pump stacks of items in the BC pipes. Anyways.. I guess I'll just go with itemducts then.


Thanks for help guys! I appreciate it!

Edited by Gomo
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How do I add more then 9 items to the filter? There's way too many different types of ore and blocks go where they shouldn't.. (wanted to blacklist all the ore that is filtered for cooking)


My setup in short: Tesseract on recieve items -> Buffer Chest -> 10 pulverizers & furnaces (each filtered for a different ore) -> 6 deep storage units (also filtered for different items) and then another separate itemduct that leads to the same output chest (buffer chest in which items get sucked into ME via an import bus) as the top of the furnaces do.


So the problem is.. That extra itemduct pipe which is spoused to be for the rest of the items (unfiltered ones) also "steals" filtered items and stuffs them directly into the output buffer chest.



EDIT: Okay.. so I figured it out. Just needed to set the ore filtering/deep storage pipe in 'vacuum' mode.

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if you are already using tesseracts, you should be technically advanced enough to upgrade your me-network.


I do it the following way:

attach DeepStorageUnits (DSU) with ME-StorageBus (configure the bus so that only one Item is accepted, normally you do this for Items you expect in high numbers, e.g. cobble, sand, dirt, gravel)

put your Tesseract directly above a ME-Interface, the interface counts as a valid Inventory for the tesseract and if not otherwise configured, can import 8 stacks of Items per tick...


1 DSU can hold 2B Items, so you don't have to worry about them and you can use all the trash later in game to create singularities or compressed cobble ;)

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