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Most efficient way to produce EMC?


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Hello. i am currently looking for the most effecient way to produce EMC in the least amout of time. Im fairly rich on my server, and use EMC flowers. Just wanted to know if there is a different way to get alot of EMC rather than using flowers. Also, things banned and fixed on my server include= rm furnace gltich, tank cart gltich, blaze rod and bone maceration, transmutation tables, and probably all computer craft. Thats all that I can think of atm. If you need further information, post your ideas or comments and I'll reply with further infomation.

Thanks :D

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I don't know how efficient this would be considered but I like making a giant square, and putting a TON of cobble generators in it. Gets a bunch of EMC fast.

Its a nice thought and relativly easy way of producing EMC I do agree. I don't think it is the most efficent way to get the most EMC, unless you have a relativly large area of cobblestone generators, but for beginners, this is a highly recommended course of action.

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A large bank of cobble generators will produce tons of EMC. But If you are rich, then several MKIII power flowers would be infinitely faster. You really are limited in how you can accumulate EMC, but there definitely some designs out there that can be used for ways not originally intended.

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in my opinion the best way for a new start to the game is by far a sugar cane farm. each sugar cane is work 64 emc which you can grow to make a reasonable size farm from. id then suggest harvesting it whenever you come back to your house or whatever, you should have enough emc for a diamond before you even find a diamond.

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