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About Yuriy

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Yuriy's Achievements


Bedrock (9/9)



  1. "...can seriously no one help me with this problem? "

    stop from console or /stop from in-game.

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  2. "There's a Mystcraft port for Bukkit now!"

    It's been out for over a month, good job tracking that one down.

    If you had bothered looking before posting your useless thread, you'd have found mine and other instructions on how to install it and get it working in Tekkit 3.1.2.

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    1. LazDude2012


      well thank you. I hadn't known about it, seeing as the only thread I'd seen on the subject ended in jakj declaring the two incompatible for good.

    2. Yuriy


      Reply sent in PM.

  3. Post a proper bug report in the proper forum (the bug forum). Also, prior to that, delete the installation folder (Technic or Tekkit) that's giving you problems and try re-installing from scratch. Don't forget to use the launcher logs in your bug report as they have more information. Also, pastebin.
  4. Guess that depends on how Pahimar codes EE2 and EE3, doesn't it? I think Pahimar would react favorably to being asked such questions. On second hand, probably not. In short, wait and see.
  5. You have backups... You don't have to play the newly-generated map, it was for diagnosing whether it just had trouble loading your map. Either way, yeah, try loading from a backup and find out where, when, and how the corruption occurred so it doesn't happen again.
  6. Some tools allow you to fix or regenerate corrupt chunks but may have trouble working with mods. I'd tried, in vain, to fix map corruption within Tekkit twice. Although it may be possible, I'd often rather start over than spend hours trying to fix it. Nevertheless, you didn't answer my question...terrible form answering a question with a question without at least providing for me an answer.
  7. Map corruption? Have you tried with a fresh or non-generated map?
  8. Download Tekkit Server. Port forward port 25565 from your router to your hosting computer. Run server. Stop server ("stop" command). Go into server properties file and enable whitelisting. Modify white list to include people. Start and play.
  9. Help us help you. In other words, provide more information because we can't read your mind.
  10. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/small-scale-recruitment-thread.22584/
  11. "Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/mod_NetherOres : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0" Just pointing out that if you read the errors many of them will give you a clue as to what you should search for. The part in bold is the topic of many threads and commonly associated with not running Java 7 (or MC not loading into Java 7 if both 6 and 7 are installed). Just trying to help you learn to troubleshoot some basic errors. Also, if you can't troubleshoot something and it's a basic install or bug, I'm also trying to explain that you should use the bug forum in the proper bug reporting format because that's where bug reports are supposed to go. However, thanks for using code tags; pastebin is also nice because it doesn't make your thread too long and people can see the error report with line numbers. Again, that's for your future reference.
  12. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/do-not-ask-others-to-find-you-a-tekkit-server.22029/
  13. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7u7-downloads-1836441.html Get the x64 for whatever OS you run. Also, you're in the wrong section with the wrong format. If you had searched Unsupported major.minor version bug using the forum search, you'd have found it's a common problem and you'd need to get Java 7. For the record, currently (I believe), you need Java 7 for Advanced Machines, Nether Ores, and at least one other mod whose name I've forgotten.
  14. "...NVIDIA, they're the good stuff."

    Around here those are fighting words!

    Well, not really, just messing with you. ;p

    I do like ATI though, ha-ha.

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    2. Xylord


      Eh, I know, but I just happen to have a double-fan cooling-ish thingy in there. That, with 3-monthly dust cleanings, and I never had any heat issues, no matter what I was playing with, and without a cooling pad (Didn't mention it, but I'm on a laptop too).

    3. Yuriy


      Well, of course you're on a laptop...nobody puts a xxxN into any sort of desktop ;p

    4. Xylord


      Oh, derp. Of course, laptop video cards probably can't go in desktop motherboards *facepalm*. I just thought that an external observer could see the cooling pad part as illogical if I didn't specify this. 'Cause there's obviously one of my creepy followers stalking this discussion right now.

  15. You can't take the trip wires out if you're launching it on a 1.2.5 server. Whatever id is assigned to tripwires in 1.2.5 will replace trip wires...if no id is assigned, they'll turn to air. If the map is made around trip wires, I'd probably just host a regular 1.3 server (or a bukkit variant of a 1.3 server).
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