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Everything posted by keepcalm

  1. PermissionsEx is broken on BukkitForge at the moment, so you'll need to use Essentials' permissions manager
  2. Use the WorldEdit from here Yes, it''s a known (and very annoying) bug.
  3. Put the BukkitForge JAR in your coremods folder, then all plugins go in the plugins/ folder, just like normal Bukkit
  4. What flying plugins did you try? Did any generate errors? If they did, can you create an issue here?
  5. Once the rest of BukkitForge is stable, I will begin looking into workarounds for this.
  6. Should be fixed as of most recent builds. Also, we have a change, thanks to the technic team, we have jenkins here: http://build.technicpack.net:8080/job/BukkitForge EDIT: Apparently Grief Prevention 7.2 works to some extent (don't right click with the golden shovel/string and it will look like its running fine), and CoreProtect 1.63 is working, with build 20 from the link above
  7. Can you add a link to this page for when Jenkins is down? I will post builds there if I notice Jenkins is down.
  8. BukkitForge bug (known). No point bugging the tekkit team about it :P
  9. ForgeBukkit IS dead. ForgeBukkit != BukkitForge. The two are completely different. ForgeBukkit put, well, forge on bukkit (ala MCPC), but BukkitForge does the opposite.
  10. That's because bukkit has many more events than forge - so I need to go through and re-implement them - and it's not easy keeping out of the jar. Each event takes about 30 minutes to implement, going through the code, finding a unique point to insert the code, and then writing something like this
  11. Now you need to refer to worlds by dimension (-1 for nether, 0 for overworld and 1 for the end) to use them in commands. I had to change this to make plugins work properly (on bukkit, world names are unique- you have world, world_nether and world_the_end, whereas on vanilla, all three dimensions have the same name and are differentiated by dimension ID. So I had to change that.)
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