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About alanh1987

  • Birthday 05/12/1987

alanh1987's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. 1. What is your Minecraft name? alanh1987 2. How old are you? 27.......... 3. Previous tekkit exp.? few years 4. Why do you wan't to join? looking for nice friendly server to have fun on and build nice stuff 5. What can you bring to the server? experience friendly attitude 6. What is my name? whitest0rm 7. Anything you wan't to tell about yourself? im mature friendly guy happy to help when i can 8. Your location and timezone in GMT: GMT 0 london 9. Tell us shortly about yourself: asked same question twice lol 10. Do you agree the rules? yes rules are fair
  2. IGN: alanh1987 Age: 26 Timezone: uk Explain, in your own words, Rule number 6: all emc farms collectors etc must be in your building or under ground it out of sight to prevent lag and stop stealing How long have you played tekkit for? about 1year If you've been banned from another server, please explain it away here: nope Tell us something about yourself. im a friendly mature person just looking for a nice servr to have fun on and build nice stuff and help out when needed
  3. IGN: alanh1987 Age: 26 Timezone: uk Tekkit experience: about 1 year A little about yourself: im a nice friendly helpful person just looking to have fun and build nice stuff and help when needed
  4. |Application Form| |Your Username:| alanh1987 |Your reason for joining the server:| looking for nice friendly server to have fun on and build nice stuff |Are you experienced in Tekkit:| about 1 year |Will you follow the rules:| yes
  5. IGN: alanh1987 Age: 26 Experience: 10 month Kind of thing you are wanting to build: anythin mansion ee stuff maybe castle Daily amount of time you expect to spend on server: few hours How long will you expect to play on the server (days,weeks,months?): as long as i can
  6. APPLICATION: Name/Nickname: Alan IGN: alanh1987 Age: 26 Time Zone: uk Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) yea can do Will you be a dedicated player on our server? yep most days Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: mature friendly person here to have a laugh and build nice stuff
  7. IGN alan1987 Age 26 Reason for joining looking for a small server to have fun on build nice stuff and have a laugh Have you read the rules yes fair enough Tekkit experience bout 10 month
  8. White-list Minecraft Name: alanh1987 Age: 26 Country: uk Why do you want to join:: looking for a small server to play on build nice stuff and have a laugh If you got banned (MCBANS), explain your bans: never
  9. IGN: alanh1987 Age:25 Project you plan to build: factory/mansion then whatever pops to mind lol Minecraft experience:4 month Tekkit experience: 8 month Why you want to join the server: looking for a friendly grief free server to have fun on build some nice stuff and have a laugh
  10. In Game Name: alanh1987 Age: 25 Time Zone: uk Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): yes Amount Played (If Yes): bout 7 month Tell us why you would like to play on our server: looking for a friendly mature server to play on build and have a laugh Previously Banned from a Server: nope
  11. IGN: alanh1987 Age:25 Reason For Applying:looking for friendly grief free server to play on build and have a laugh Have You Ever Been Banned? If Yes Why: nope Build Style:factories/ee stuff/ mansions etc anything really
  12. Minecraft Name: alanh1987 Age: 25...... Country uk Why do you want to join: lookin for a nice friendly server to play on build and have a laugh grief free If you got banned (MCBANS), explain your bans: nope never
  13. ok hope u sort it but thats all i have mate didnt build that much
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