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Everything posted by Malawi

  1. Hi I'm playing Blightfall and are trying to do Thaumcraft proper for the first time. I've seen that people have mana-bean farms, but I can only find iter-beans. Is this the only beans you can find in Blightfall, or am I just very unlucky?
  2. You will need to scout, and look for ethereal blooms.
  3. Did the landmarks pop out of the ground? You may need to log out/back in.
  4. Or use a 3x3 watersource, 4 redstone engines to run the pump and a world anchor to keep the pump loaded.
  5. Guess you say it yourself - more panels and batboxes are the answer. The geothermal idea is also a great one. Not to mention combustion engine with fuel (much more power than oil.)
  6. A quarry can use a large amount of power, and the energy link has loss. Think you need a few low voltage solar arrays and more batboxes.
  7. Just for some extra information - Have he tried logging in from a computer where it's confirmed that it works? Say - used his loggin at his sisters computer.
  8. If you can mine using the powertool while standing on the ground, but not when flying, it might be that the powersource cannot deliver enough power for both at the same time.
  9. Have you tried taking of the suit and mine "old style" just to see what happens then? If that works, you might wanna try different combinations to see when it goes wrong.
  10. Even though rain is random, I would assume that there is a percentage chance of rain at any given time, and that this seed can be changed.
  11. Ah - my error. Apparently coffee looks very similar to iron and fold plants, but when you only want coffee to mature, it's not needed.
  12. It was not your post that was hostile, but the reply you got. Anyways - you need to plant coffee above either gold or iron ore blocks(don't remember which) The ore should be placed below the dirt, but no deeper than 3 blocks down. (IOW - you got space for both iron and gold ore.)
  13. You both need to have proper player accounts.
  14. I am not looking for someone to make a series with, I am announcing that I am making a series on my own ;-)
  15. Hi there I'm doing a Tekkit Lite Let's play / playtrough in Norwegian. There are quite a few episodes already, and I hope to be able to keep up the pace. The goal is to get to use more or less all the possible machines etc. that is available. I have named the series "Malawis Tekkit Lite eventyr", and you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MalawisLilleKanal -- Heisann Jeg holder på med en Tekkit Lite serie på norsk. Jeg har allerede lagt ut endel episoder, og håper på å klare å holde utgivelsestempoet oppe. (Selv om jeg har kommet til et punkt der jeg må undersøke litt før episodene for å sette meg inn i de forskjellige mod'ene) Målet er å være innom det meste av muligheter og maskiner som finnes i Tekkit Lite. Serien heter "Malawis Tekkit Lite eventyr", og du kan finne den her: https://www.youtube.com/user/MalawisLilleKanal
  16. I think I had the same problem. I solved it by making the quarry slightly smaller, I also used a redstone torch to power the landmark grid. You might try that if Hostilecas solution does not work for you.
  17. Ð Nice to hear. :-) Guess Norwegians, Swedes and Danes are a bit like a "big family". BTW: I know a Dutch word, it's "Rrrrrrrrrr" :-P But guess this is kinda off-topic, especially since the whole point of this tread was to make a little fun of the fact that the OP wanted to fight noobness with noobness ;-)
  18. In tekkit lite the quarrys are their own chunkloaders. Still - you might need a chunkloader for whatever powers the quarry.
  19. þ I am Norwegian, and thus I don't have the letter ç at my keyboard. ☻
  20. I have a bit of the same problem, I even swapped all the pipes from stone to gold ones. My solution was to have one pump per engine. BTW: Always make sure the pumps/pipes are chunkloaded. I am going to try gates for added security as you can set them to say stop the engine if it goes yellow (starting to get too hot and thus dangerous)
  21. Have you tried restarting the server?
  22. Hmm, seems like people see bullfish as mainly a problem. I would rather see it as a resource. Lots of fresh steaks wandering around and all that. It's my main source of food in the surf and turf category. Also - If you are in a class where half the people is messed up, how do you know which half you belong to?
  23. Have not tried this, but seems like you have to give it chunk-id's. While waiting for an answer from someone who actually knows the command- Try something like /flag chunkid1 chunkid2 no-mobs Should turn of all mob spawning in a square where those two chunks are opposing corners. There is also the possibillity that you might need to type /set flag no-mobs
  24. Also you should use more than one redstone engine, and the redstone engines has to warm up before they pump enough water. There is also the danger of chunk-unloading making the pump stop. You should use some sort of chunkloader if the pump is supposed to work unsupervised.
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