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Everything posted by Malawi

  1. Just to check - you have downloaded texture packs and put them in the correct folder?
  2. Guess it should be alright then, thanks. BTW: I don't really see the relevance of your sexual orientation here... :-P
  3. Does anyone know if the nether-ore spawning is minimized due to an error, or because there are some problems with nether ores in Tekkit Lite 0.6.1?
  4. EE2 is outdated. Anyways this method is cheaper and faster, and don't require a trip to the nether http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/one-cow-ten-deployers-2025-emc-sec.36880/
  5. To make it go away, use a rift remover. To make it stable, put a dimensional door right under the rift.
  6. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/tekkit-lite-texture-pack.41142/#post-337914
  7. I get the same error both on 0.6.0 and 0.6.1 I assume that this is a well known error, and that someone is working on it. Was actually a bit surprised to see it in 0.6.1 since it's a recommended build.
  8. Thepanetguy should be a mod as as he is clearly "da bomb".
  9. Not double, but tripple post? Seriously? Click the button shown by Velusip, then click on manually select build and select 0.5.7 from the pull down menu.
  10. Is it OK now? I had a similar problem yesterday, but think it was that the server was down.
  11. First you need to download the main pack from here http://bdcraft.net/download-bdcraft-texturepacks. You want the MC 1.4.7 (MC=MineCraft 1.4.7 is the version of minecraft that tekkit lite is currently using) There are different qualities with 512x512 beeing the highest (and demanding the most power from your computer(more lag)). You probably want 64x64 or 128x128 Then you download the patch from here http://bdcraft.net/patch-details?i=5-Tekkit Lite You should have the same resolution in both, 128x128 is the highest resolution for the patch pack. Now you should have two ZIP-files, open the first one, and then the second one. Copy all the content from the second file into the first. If you don't have any utility for opening zip's, 7zip is a very good (and free) option http://www.7-zip.org/ Think I got it all there, if you are still uncertain, please ask again and be as specific as possible.
  12. 1 - No, but it should work better(higher FPS) with optifine installed. 2. I use Sphax pureBDcraft http://bdcraft.net/ you need to first dowload the main pack, and then a patch-pack for tekkit lite, and copy the content of the patch-pack into the main pack. There may be other packs that also fully support tekkit lite.
  13. Is it possible to just ban this user?
  14. An even simpler method to find the placement, would be to start technich-launcer, select a modpack (like Tekkit-Lite) and start it up. To select the modpack in the old launcher, select the modpack in the menu in the top left corner (click small arrow) To select the modpack in the new launcher, select the modpack from the scroll-menu at the left. -Then after minecraft has been started with the mods loaded, click the "texture packs" button, and "open texture pack folder". You can now just move down the folder-tree. The savegame can be found in .techniclauncher/"modpackname"/saves (old launcer) or .technic/"modpackname"/saves (new launcher) If you have some knowledge about how the folders work, and have read blocker226s post, the rest should(might) be a breeze. My guess is that he has been playing the modpack called "Technic" in the old launcher, and exchanged it for the new launcher. This modpack is outdated and not a part of the new launcher. But if you still got the old launcher, he should be able to play it just fine. Only problem I can see is to get a hold of the old launcher, but you might have a copy in your browsers download-folder.
  15. Hi AFAIK - Minecraft handles a single player game as a server. Does this mean that I can move a single player world to a server? And how about replacing the world in a singleplayer savegame with a server world? BTW: I am using Tekkit Lite 0.6.0 / Win7
  16. Ooops, sorry. Guess the bucket/ender chest is the way to go then ;-)
  17. With a rotary macerator, you might be able to do with one. Place a lever on or just beside it, so that you can make it stay on at all times(takes a little standby-electricity, but it also means that it's really fast always.)
  18. Sounds like a nice idea. water would sprinkle up every now and then from the irrigated blocks. It would offc. moisturize the earth without those pesky water-block every here and there. They might possibly give a slight growth bonus. Also, it might be possible to add fertilizer to the water for a bigger growth bonus. Lukeb: Seems like you are just arguing for the sake of arguing here.
  19. At the computer, there should be a game where you can collect resources in the ground that you can turn into other stuff and build wast factories that output anything you want. It could be called EscavateCraft or sumthing.
  20. It might work with two inline filters set to two coal each, and a filter that sends out 4 coal along that tube. But you might end up with all in one of the filters or 4 to one and then 4 to the other. But I am pretty sure that if you use a second chest, and send 4 coals to that chest before pulling out 2+2, it should be foolproof as the number of coals in the chest should always be dividable with 4. Edit:BTW, you can place the two chests with a filter in-between(no tube), but remember to place it the correct way and to wire it up with a redstone signal. (Easy to forget if you use redstone tubes)
  21. A mod that turns a random player built block into potential-lava(without changing texture) every x ticks. If a player interacts with the block in any way(walks on it/tries to break it/uses it), it turns into lava. The block-effect is removed after x ticks. There will be x potential-lava blocks per x player made blocks (Configurable).
  22. I think you were banned for trying to make money into steak.
  23. My take on this is that lossless convertion seems too unnatural. A 10%(or more) loss in every transformation would take care of most problems. You would still have the convenience of transmuting, but you would have to think a bit more as going back and forth between two materials a few times, would make you end up with almost no materials. BTW: single items to blocks and back would still be lossless in crafting table, as that is more of a solution for storing many items.
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