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Everything posted by ardiking999

  1. Name:Cody Minecraft Username:bananen303 Age:19 Your long term minecraft project:i love building server projects and im good at being staff,keeping server clean. Why you want to play on this server:i want to help this server and just have fun
  2. IGN:bananen303 Age:19 How long have you played Minecraft/Tekkit: 2 years, btw im really good at building Another form of contact (email, Skype, etc.):Email: [email protected]
  3. i did not it was my little brother sry for that you are now unbanned im so sry that he banned you he is like only 8 years old
  4. In Game Name:bananen303 Age:18 What time do you play:24:00 How much do you play:7 hours Any Staff Experience:i have been staff on many server that has been taken down but im good at plugins and im good at building spawn and shops Servers you were Staff on:idk the names Is the Server still open:they re taken down References: Do you play on the server:yeah Why do wish to be Staff (At least 25-50 Words):i want to help the server be safe from griefers and i want to help the people in the server and higher the population of the server. Primary Language:english How long have you played Tekkit:2 years Do you have Skype: yeah skype name: ks_ardi1
  5. hi i would like to join
  6. i want to do a app for staff i am actually really good at building citys; shopcenters,and systems, and im good at keeping the server safe
  7. and can i apply for staff im good at building big buildings and building spawns and helping people and building shops
  8. hi can i apply also for staff im good at building spawns and shops and big buildings.
  9. hi what is the ip to the server
  10. Hi im going to start a tekkit lite 24/7 server Visit: PvpfreebuildCraft.weebly.com for more info;)
  11. and im good at building big houses
  12. i can be a staff and help you build
  13. anser on the chat on hamatchi
  14. why dont you answer me
  15. are you named tekkit server
  16. and when you join tell me why want to be op
  17. the first that joins will be op and you must join my hamachi cause it wont work if you dont join it hamachi:zlarcraft
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